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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2012 - Lisa Ashton

Image of Lisa Ashton

I have worked in many jobs that I never felt inspired in and wished that one day I could work in a job that I loved. After my grandfather passed away I promised myself that I would re-train and become a Midwife as this was the job I had always wanted to do. A Friend told me about DistanceLearningCentre.com, she said that it was a way of getting qualifications needed to get into university and I could do it all from home as I am a busy mum of four children.

I found the course quite daunting at first but the tutors were always there to lend a hand with weekly phone calls and regular e-mails to check progress and give advice, and before I knew it I was half way through the course. I did find it hard juggling the children and coursework but found that as soon as they were all in bed I had a number of hours to concentrate and complete all the work needed.

After applying to a number of Universities to get on their Midwifery course I was disheartened not to receive a place, but this did not stop me I applied to go into nursing and was lucky to get an acceptance at a University on an Adult Nursing degree. I know that it will take me longer to become a midwife but I will get there in the future I am determined. If you are thinking of doing one of DistanceLearningCentre.com's access courses my advice would be 'go for it', it will give you the skills and confidence to go back into education and get the career that you have always wanted to do.

June 2012 - Serena Bucys

Image of Serena Bucys

I have always wanted a career in healthcare, I looked into starting University but would not be considered as my A levels were over 5 years old and I needed recent study. When I rang Salford University they recommended DistanceLearningCentre.com. From there I started the Access to Midwifery course in August 2011.

I had left college in 2003 and had not done any study since, doing the course has given me an insight into what I can now expect at University as I have been offered a conditional place at Salford University this September. I would have liked to have gone to my local college to study but this wasn't possible as I could not give up work. The course has been tough and I have had to spend every spare minute on the assessments, especially towards the end as I only got my conditional offer at the end of March and I still had a lot to do to complete for June moderation.

My advice would be to take the full 12 months to complete the course and read through all the induction and handbook information fully, I only found out about DistanceLearningCentre.com courses at the end of July and only really started the main assessments in September after completing all the induction work in the August. Then it's all happened really fast attending open days at universities and applying through UCAS.

I did the level 2 English, Maths and IT because my GCSEs were achieved over 10 years ago in 2001, this added to the amount of work that needed to be completed, it also took me a while to get into study again and I found that I was a third of the way through before I started to get used to it all. I have really enjoyed learning again and although I have found the course extremely hard work and challenging I am proud of what I have achieved and in a way will miss acquiring all the knowledge that I have been doing for the last 9 months.

June 2012 - Alexandra Richardson

Image of Alexandra Richardson

I enrolled onto the DistanceLearningCentre.com Access to Higher Education Diploma in Midwifery course as due to my lack of science A levels and the fact some institutions do not count UCAS points from general studies qualifications I was unable to apply for my desired degree course; BSC Midwifery. Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com has at times been challenging as a lot of self motivation is needed especially due to the fact I had to complete all my assignments in the evening once my toddler had gone to bed. There is a lot of work involved; reading and making notes on the detailed course notes provided, researching extra information to add into the assignments and completing the assignments themselves, however both my tutors were always on hand with prompt replies whenever I had a problem and were always more than willing to help.

DistanceLearningCentre.com was the only access course I was interested in taking as it enabled me to study in my own time at home without having to factor in childcare. It has lived up to my expectations of providing me with what I think is a sound base of scientific knowledge to aid me with my chosen degree course. Despite my nerves prior to my final exam which took place via Skype, the exam went very smoothly and my tutor helped me by providing regular time checks to keep my timing for the essay questions on track! I am currently undertaking a variety of work experience placements and in September I will be applying to Universities and all being well thanks to my qualification from DistanceLearningCentre.com will start my dream degree course the following September.

June 2012 - Heidi Robus

Image of Heidi Robus

After leaving grammar school during sixth form to attend college, I ended up doing a year at both institutions and getting 6 AS levels, but never an entire A level. I have always been academic, and enjoyed studying AS level human biology and psychology, so I thought that it made sense to continue this study and apply for the DistanceLearningCentre.com Access to Nursing, Midwifery and Health professions diploma, which is A-level equivalent.

Being a student was great, but tough. I honestly didn't think that I would have to work as hard as I did, and with a full time job and many life changes over the last 18 months it wasn't always easy. However I carried on, spurred on by the realisation that my hard work was paying off with merits and distinctions. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course though and learnt a lot, and I'm glad I did it.

June 2012 - Stuart Jones

Image of Stuart Jones

Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com has challenged and enabled me to enhance my academic abilities to reach my potential. From the very start to the very end the pressure to perform brought out the very best in me. The professionalism and experience of the tutors was of immense value always there with a word of encouragement or delicately pointing into the right direction when needed. I am proud of my achievement and what is more I am proud to of attending DistanceLearningCentre.com.

This college has enabled me to continue to work and study at the same time; something which would be impossible in a conventional setting. As a veteran of the Royal Air Force I was able use my enhanced learning credits to help fund this course and would encourage any former service members to do the same.

The future is very bright, after careful consideration of my offers I have confirmed a place at Anglia Ruskin University studding a BA Honours in Social Work and Social Policy. Post Graduation I plan to undertake employment as a Social Worker; hopefully working with former service men and woman who are finding it hard to adjust to life outside the armed forces. From the heart, a big thank you to all at DistanceLearningCentre.com who have helped me to believe in myself and reach the second step on the ladder to personal success.
