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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2009 - Josee Cain

Image of Josee Cain

Being able to complete the access to nursing course through DistanceLearningCentre.com has made life so much easier for me. I was able to do the work completely at my own pace, and had fantastic support from my personal tutor who was extremely supportive throughout, even when personal issues arose.

Including the personal support, the student forums have been invaluable. This allowed me to share opinions, ask questions, and meet others going through the same course.

I believe that DistanceLearningCentre.com is heading in the right direction, by showing its dedication by supporting adults to return to education through distance learning.

June 2009 - Stephanie Harding

Image of Stephanie Harding

My name is Stephanie; I am 31 years old and mum to 3 children aged 7 years and under. I started the DistanceLearningCentre.com course when my youngest was just 6 weeks old. I can highly recommend this course to anyone with family or work commitments as you can work around your daily routine and fit your studies in as and when it suits you.

The course itself is flexible, interesting, challenging and a fantastic way to prepare you for higher education. On completion of my Access Diploma I feel more than ready to commence my adult nurse training. Over the past year I have built the foundations for my future studies and feel confident that I now have the ability to settle into university study and look forward to the new challenges ahead.

I highly recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com for their professionalism, knowledge, and above all for the advice, direction and support received from my personal tutor throughout.

Offered a place at Wolverhampton University to study the Diploma in Adult Nursing starting February 2010 or possibly October 2009 if a place becomes available.

June 2009 - Claire O'Sullivan

Image of Claire O'Sullivan

I had wanted to study midwifery for a number of years but never thought it possible as I didn't have the relevant qualifications to apply. I knew I couldn't afford to leave work and complete an access course full time so I thought there was no way in for me. Then I discovered DistanceLearningCentre.com.

I had been searching on the web for distance based access courses and was delighted when I found one that was specifically tailored for people wanting to study midwifery. I did my research and discovered that many others had done the course and got into higher education institutions and I even checked with the universities I was hoping to apply to so I knew this wasn't a scam.

I enrolled straight away and didn't look back. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and although I hadn't studied for 7 years I soon got into the swing of things. I completed the course in around 8 months while holding down 2 part time jobs and caring for a 3 year old. My proudest moment was gaining a place at university to study midwifery - all my hard work had paid off!

I am starting a degree in Midwifery at Chester University on 21st September 2009.

June 2009 - Claire Pugh

I enrolled with DistanceLearningCentre.com after deciding I wanted to pursue a degree in midwifery, it was the best way for myself to gain entry into university due to having two small children. I found the materials easy to understand and had good support from all my tutors. The best thing was being able to work at my own pace and not having set times at which to work to.

I enrolled in October 2008 and managed to complete by June 2009. I am now due to start Worcester University later this year, where I will study a further 3 years to obtain my degree in midwifery.

June 2009 - Jenifer Harrison

Image of Jenifer Harrison

Studying the Access to Midwifery Diploma has been a great way for me to improve my study skills in many areas. Before starting the course, I was a full-time mother to two children. Studying from home has allowed me to spend more time with my children, as I have been able to choose when to study.

I have thoroughly enjoyed studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com and feel I have been encouraged and supported fully. My tutors have been both professional and understanding and always able to answer my questions quickly, which has helped my progress through the course enormously.

I can now start my degree in midwifery at Bournemouth University in September. Many thanks to all the staff at DistanceLearningCentre.com, who have helped me to work towards my goal to become a midwife.
