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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

November 2009 - Jennifer Herring

Image of Jennifer Herring

I have thoroughly enjoyed the DistanceLearningCentre.com course! It has been so convenient for me, and being able to work at my own pace meant I felt in control of my own learning. My self confidence increased enormously with each module I completed, and I loved the sense of achievement that came with each mark sheet!

I have surprised myself with how well I have done! The best part for me has definitely been the meeting of like-minded people on the forums; everyone is so supportive and the encouragement of the staff and fellow students are invaluable, particularly during those times when things seem to be a struggle!

I'm very grateful to DistanceLearningCentre.com for helping me to get on the road to University and realise my dream of becoming a Midwife!

November 2009 - Terry Gardiner

After 24 years in the military the course provided by DistanceLearningCentre.com has given me the platform to go on to study in the exciting and challenging field of Diagnostic Radiography at the University of Cumbria. DistanceLearningCentre.com has provided me the skill set and confidence which has enabled me to embark on a completely different career path and the opportunity to hopefully fulfil my academic potential.

November 2009 - Amanda Ranford

The Access to Higher Education through DistanceLearningCentre.com has given me the flexibility to accommodate study around my family and other work commitments in order to fulfil my dream to become a midwife. Without this course I would not be able to follow my dream and have enjoyed getting back to studying again.

The course has also given me a huge confidence boost in firstly being able to complete it in the given timescale and also, not just pass the course, but achieve high marks for some of my work. I now really believe that I can do my degree and that childbirth and several years as a parent haven't completely destroyed all of my brain cells!

Thank you to DistanceLearningCentre.com for giving me this opportunity to fulfil my dream and gain both my qualifications and confidence.

June 2009 - Natalie Kinsey

Image of Natalie Kinsey

I'm Natalie and I am 22 years old and live in Manchester. I have just completed the Access to Higher Education Diploma in Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Professions, and must say I loved it. Working full-time and studying for other qualifications at the same time as this was difficult, but all the Tutors at DistanceLearningCentre.com were brilliant. They are all very understanding and always there to help.

The course itself was very interesting and covers many topics from the core subjects needed for your career pathway, Maths, English and I.T. So if you are not very confident about these subjects (and I wasn't great at Maths at School) then it's definitely a course I would recommend.

Thanks to my course with DistanceLearningCentre.com, I am now studying Bio-medical Science (Foundation) at University along with Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Sciences. I am now on route to fulfilling my dream.

I would recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anybody looking to study an Access to Higher Education course. It will give you confidence, improve your self-esteem and get you on your way to achieving your career dreams. Good Luck to all current and future Students x

June 2009 - Lisa Henderson

Image of Lisa Henderson

I left school when I was 16 with average GCSEs and went into a secretarial job which I worked in for 10 years. I felt stuck in a rut and thought there was going to be no way I could ever fulfil my dream of becoming a midwife. I didn't have the qualifications needed for university and I didn't have the opportunity to attend college during the day as I have a young child so when I found DistanceLearningCentre.com online I was over the moon. It was the ideal option. I could work from home, working at my own pace and at a time that was best for me which meant that I could have the best of both worlds, spend precious time with my son and do my studies on an evening without breaking the bank as I paid monthly for the course.

I found the course very enjoyable and I had some highs and some lows but I had great support from not only my tutor but other DistanceLearningCentre.com'ers too and have made some good friends. I am so proud to say that I completed the course and gained a place at the University of Cumbria to study midwifery.

A few years ago I would never have thought I would have been able to complete any kind of course never mind get a place at uni to study midwifery so I would definitely say "if I can do it.....you can too!".

A big thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com X
