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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

I was initially skeptical about the quality of the online education but how wrong was I - Maja Kostrzewa

Image of Maja Kostrzewa Outstanding Achievement Logo

As a mature student with small children, I was reluctant to start studying again. I had plenty of excuses and procrastinated for years. Now I wish I had done it sooner!

I was initially skeptical about the quality of the online education but how wrong was I! The DistanceLearningCentre.com course has been a truly transformative experience. The course structure and materials were logically laid out and units built upon and progressed smoothly into one another. I loved working at my own pace, around my work and family commitments.

I have really enjoyed learning and gained confidence in my academic abilities. The Access course has been immensely enjoyable and beneficial. It had a fresh, modern feel to it with tutors always there to hold my hand and help me along the way. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

I have gained a place on my chosen Midwifery course at the University of Northampton and I can't wait to start. (Jul 2019)

Having deadlines every 2 to 4 weeks has really kept me on track - Ian Howie

Image of Ian Howie

I decided last year, at the age of 47, to retrain as a physiotherapist. I did a maths degree nearly 30 years ago, spent ten years becoming a potter, then moved into office work and became an accountant. I went part-time and got very into contemporary dance, which led me to physiotherapy as a next career. It wasn't until my first university open day at Bradford that I found out my very old school exams wouldn't count towards my UCAS points. That was a bit of a panic! I work 3 days a week, and didn't see how I could fit in an Access Course at my local FE college. Fortunately the staff at Bradford told me about DistanceLearningCentre.com.

The DistanceLearningCentre.com Access Course for Health Professionals has suited me really well. I've been able to study in my own time at my own pace. The learning materials have been really thorough. It took me a while to work out what was expected, and how things worked, but my tutor was a great help in this. Working online, with a few textbooks I bought, and access to a real human being for a tutor (by phone or email) is really effective.

I'm pretty self-motivated to study, but having deadlines every 2 to 4 weeks has really kept me on track. Also, getting the marks back within a week or so is really motivating, and also reassuring - I knew I would find out quickly if I wasn't doing things right.

I've really enjoyed the course, both the psychology and the biology. Most weeks I've said out loud, "Wow, that's amazing!" to myself and the computer as I've discovered something new! I'm really pleased to have a place at UWE Bristol for September. (Jul 2019)

It was essential that I could do the course online, as I work shifts and wouldn't be able to get to college - Amy Hunt

Image of Amy Hunt

I found DistanceLearningCentre.com whilst looking for an Access Course. For me, it was essential that I could do the course online, as I work shifts and wouldn't be able to get to college one day a week. I started the Access to HE: Nursing (Allied Health Professionals) in September 2018, setting myself a goal to complete the course within 8 months. At this point, I had not studied at anything above a BTEC or NVQ for 6-7 years.

If you're thinking about starting a course with DistanceLearningCentre.com, I'm here to tell you it's possible. The tutors are brilliant at working around you and your other commitments. At one stage, I was on night shifts and was able to plan my Biology exam around my night pattern, taking it as late in the day as I could before my shift. I also made some friends within the Student Forum and the DLC Facebook page, who have been going through the same.

Good luck all with your future studies! (Jul 2019)

There was a lot of help available when I was applying to University, in regards to UCAS and writing my personal statement - Rebekah Chapman

Image of Rebekah Chapman

It has always been my ambition to be a Midwife. I left school with my A Levels but fell pregnant at 18 with my son. As my family progressed, this dream got pushed back and I had my daughter 2 years later. When my children came of school age I decided it was time to start pursuing my dream again. With two children and a part time job, I knew I would have to do an online course rather than attending a college.

After researching online courses, I decided to go with DistanceLearningCentre.com and I'm so glad I did. I chose the Access to Midwifery (Nursing and Midwifery) course, which was full of relevant content and the structure and extensive materials were extremely useful when completing assignments. My tutors were absolutely fantastic, always on hand to help out whenever I needed and I honestly could not thank them enough for guiding me through my course. I'm proud to say I finished with a full set of distinctions, all in less than a year.

There was also a lot of help available when I was applying to University, in regards to UCAS and writing my personal statement. I have secured a place at my first choice University and will be starting Midwifery in September 2019. Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, I am now completely prepared for University as I feel I have acquired the necessary skills and regained my confidence. I am so excited to continue my path to my dream career and I can't thank them enough. (Jul 2019)

Once I discovered the flexibility of studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com online, my future goals seemed to be within reach once again - Alexandros Avlonitis

Image of Alexandros Avlonitis

"The Key to Success is to find that key" ... That key for me proved to be studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com and their (excellent) Sports Studies online course.

Due to unforeseen circumstances whilst studying through the traditional method at college for a BTEC Level 3 Sports Science Diploma, my studies had to be interrupted and my hopes of getting into 'uni' seemed to have been dashed!

However, once I discovered the flexibility of studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com online, my future goals seemed to be within reach once again, after successfully completing DistanceLearningCentre.com's Sports Studies course. My tutors deserve a mention here, for all their patience and encouragement, without their guidance I am not sure I would have succeeded! Thank You.

I have now reached my goal and have been offered a place at London Metropolitan University to Study Sports Therapy. "The key to success is to focus on goals not obstacles!" I really cannot thank the DistanceLearningCentre.com enough. (Jul 2019)
