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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2011 - Emma Beardsmore

Image of Emma Beardsmore

I started Adult Nursing at University in September 2011 after completing my Access Diploma in June. I was given an elderly medical ward for my first placement and I absolutely loved it! It was working with elderly people who were in the transition of rehabilitation to home from hospital care, so it's been a lot of manual handling and bed bathing etc but I've really enjoyed it! Old people are so nice and so supportive of students and it's been heart warming to help them and receive gratitude for what you've done! I'm still aiming at midwifery but I've found nursing to be more fulfilling than I anticipated it to be! I'm on placement at the moment and on delivery suite tomorrow; very excited!

Wolverhampton University is one of the 7 universities piloting the new curriculum set by the NMC and we are doing things a whole different way round but I have found that my first year placements (being on different wards and settings) has been immense and I have learnt so much just in my first year it's amazing at how much I know already!

I would like to (again) thank my tutor and DistanceLearningCentre.com for all your help and support with the Access course and assisting me on the road to my new career! Being able to study from home gave me the opportunity to complete the course (that was impossible for me to be able to do at college because of childcare etc) with no financial hardship or struggle with academic capability. I managed to get through all my modules with no pressure and on my own initiative which has given me perfect experience for planning and self-discipline at university! I have recommended you and will continue to do so to anyone who is thinking of taking the career leap. One of my friends is actually a current DistanceLearningCentre.com student, so I recommended well! It's been the best decision I've ever made and I'm sincerely grateful to you all at DistanceLearningCentre.com! Academically I have done well, for my work so far I have 2x B grades and 3x C grades and my tutors have said that I write beautifully, so thankyou for all your help advice and assistance!

June 2011 - Sarah Barry

Image of Sarah Barry

Feedback from February 2012 after starting University in September 2011. I wanted to let you know how valuable the DistanceLearningCentre.com biology modules have been for me. They have really stood me in good stead. A third of all the work we do as first year midwifery students is pure biology and I have found that most of what I'm learning this year I have already done in greater depth through my DistanceLearningCentre.com biology modules last year. It's really useful because, as you know, there is no hand-holding at uni and we are expected to find out for ourselves anything that we don't understand in the lectures. Many of the girls on my course are finding the biology really difficult to understand because the access courses they did at college didn't teach biology in such depth. However, for me most of the time the lectures are just a refresher and I go home, look through my DistanceLearningCentre.com work and it all clicks into place.

June 2011 - Sacha Sherwood

Image of Sacha Sherwood

I had absolutely no self-belief when I started the Access to Midwifery course and constantly worried that my work wouldn't be good enough. But my tutor was there to put things in perspective and helped me work out answers on my own, which really boosted my confidence and kept me going! I was so proud when I got my mark sheets and I'd achieved distinctions - who'd have thought it!

I chose the DistanceLearningCentre.com because I worked shifts in a call centre and couldn't fit college in. DistanceLearningCentre.com allowed me to study from home in my own time. If I found I was lacking in motivation my tutor would get me back on track, so although I dodn't have the classroom atmosphere, I didn't feel alone. Towards the end, I worried that I wasn't going to finish in time, so my tutor helped me devise a schedule so I could organise my time better; this really helped me get to the finish line and I completed the course in 13 months.

In September I am going to University to study a 3-year midwifery degree; something I would never have believed I could do not so long ago. I now feel much more confident and feel I can apply what I have learnt to my degree, whereas 18 months ago I didn't believe I could even manage to write an essay!

June 2011 - Zoe Miles

Image of Zoe Miles

I enrolled on the Access to Higher Education Diploma course with DistanceLearningCentre.com in order to gain further qualifications to enable me to go on and study for a degree in something I am passionate about. I left school with my GCSE's and a GNVQ in Health and Social care, not really knowing what I wanted to do and as a result I went on to work for the banking industry which is where I have been ever since.

I found the course very challenging at times, but my tutor was always able to provide a great deal of support which got me through, as well as my own sheer determination. Working full time and studying has been extremely hard work; so many times I just wanted to give up, but I persevered and as a result have now completed the course. I am now waiting to start Southampton University in September to study a degree in Podiatry which I am really looking forward to. I really never thought I could achieve what I have.

June 2011 - Lisa Harrington

Image of Lisa Harrington

After the birth of my son, I was fascinated by the work of my midwives and was inspired to find out more. I contacted my local colleges but they had dropped their access courses and well I felt pretty stumped at that point. I began looking online to see if there were other ways of completing an Access course and came across DistanceLearningCentre.com, I must say that I was slightly dubious at first about completing a course online or if it would be recognised by the Universites. After some thought I took the plunge and enrolled and am so glad I did!

It had been over ten years since I last studied and wondered how I would cope and remain motivated, all around looking after an excitable toddler. The modules although sometimes daunting were very interesting and once Id sat down and started working through them were not as bad as I first thought. I studied most days for a couple of hours and the whole course took me 9 months and I remember getting so worried and nervous waiting for my marks to come back from each module, but I gained distinctions and merits throughout and each marked module pushed me to continue working hard.

I was allocated a tutor who was fantastic and always rang and emailed and offered help and support, thank you!

Along the way I changed my path slightly and looked into studying Child Nursing and am pleased to say that I will be starting a 3 year degree in Child Nursing at Edinburgh Napier University in September and cant wait.

I didn't need to worry about the Universities accepting a distance learning course, in fact they were very impressed that I had done it this way and it has certainly improved my confidence, self belief, motivation and determination in achieving my dream of Child Nursing and further down the path, Neonatal Nursing.

The support of DistanceLearningCentre.com and in particular my tutor was fantastic, thank you for all the help and I am very excited about September!
