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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2011 - Claire Smith

Image of Claire Smith

Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com has enabled me to fit my Access to Psychology Diploma around being a single mum. My tutor has been a real asset to DistanceLearningCentre.com, with her ongoing support and encouragement towards me, which motivated me to do the best I could.

I am extremely proud to say that, after a lot of hard work, I have managed to come away with a distinction and am on my way to study an HND in Applied Psychology.

With both of my children in full time school September 2011, this means that I am finally on my way to developing a career in the Psychology field, as I have more time to put into education now. I am confident that my children's future seems brighter and I know I am capable of being whatever I want to be, if I put my mind to it!!

June 2011 - Tammy Cronin

Image of Tammy Cronin

After failing to get into Uni for the second time, I decided that resitting my Maths and English just wasn't enough. So once I'd completed my Resits for GCSEs I found DistanceLearningCentre.com. It was perfect for me, my job and my family. I could carry on working until I'd gained the qualifications that my Uni were looking for and it meant I could study when I wanted to.

It was hard work and very constant, I studied nearly every night, apart from weekends, but start to finish took me 9 months so I can't complain! I wasn't sure if I would be able to learn that much information on my own just from books and research but the tutors kept me going in the right direction and were always there if I needed a bit of help. This course definitely gave me the advantage over other applicants.

June 2011 - Mathew Colwill

Image of Mathew Colwill

I am a married 31 year old with three children and work at a local hospital as a Theatre support worker. In September I will be attending Plymouth University to undertake a course in DIPHE Operating department practice; this is thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com.

I struggled with school when I was younger and it wasn't until going into secondary school that they picked up that I was dyslexic, by this time it was too late for me to get the help I needed and I fell behind and found it very difficult, which resulted in me not sitting any G.C.S.Es.

Three years ago I was accepted at my local college to do an Access Course but I wasn't aware at the time that it was full-time and as I have a family to support I was unable to do this and needed to continue working. I had almost given up hope when someone at Plymouth University suggested that I look into doing a distance learning course and I was so happy to be finally getting somewhere.

The course has given me the qualification and confidence to continue on my chosen career path.

June 2011 - Caroline Fennell

Image of Caroline Fennell

When I first looked in to returning to university to study midwifery, I found that whilst already holding A-levels and a degree, I needed science-specific qualifications. Due to family commitments and my rural location, it was impossible for me to study an A-level or Access Course through college, whilst still working to support my family. I thought my dream was over before it had even begun, until I came across DistanceLearningCentre.com.

DistanceLearningCentre.com enabled me to complete an Access to Midwifery Diploma from home, and in my own time scale. I felt I was able to set my own targets and deadlines and had fantastic support and encouragement from all my tutors. The option to pay for the course on a monthly basis also makes it a realistic option for those people who are juggling the financial commitments that come with mortgages and children!!

Whilst I do have a good standard of education, this was completed some years ago, and doing this course has really prepared me for the academic challenges of university, as well as teaching me how to organise and prioritise my study alongside my family life. DistanceLearningCentre.com is not an easy option, it involves hard work and commitment, and at times a lot of late nights. However, it is flexible, affordable and an excellent stepping-stone to university. Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com I have gained a place to study Midwifery at the University of Cumbria this coming September.

June 2011 - Kate Robinson

Image of Kate Robinson

Its been whirlwind year for me deciding to completely change my life by following my dream of becoming a midwife. Unfortunately I could not afford to give up my day job to attend college, and my job was not flexible enough so I almost gave up, until I found DistanceLearningCentre.com! I found about DistanceLearningCentre.com through an internet forum for student midwifes and it seemed so perfect that I signed up straight away! I was not disappointed ? although it has been very hard work I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges it has brought and the support I received from my tutor has been second to none!

I have been accepted to study a degree in midwifery starting in September at the University of Bradford ? and I couldn't be happier! DistanceLearningCentre.com really helps dreams come true! It's fitted in with my life and many of my friends who chose the college route now wish they had known about this course instead as it gives so much more flexibility!
