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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

I found DistanceLearningCentre.com and was instantly impressed with the affordability, flexibility and vast number of courses they offered. - Leah Ingham

Image of Leah Ingham

Struggling with mental health issues during my school years meant that I was unable to complete high school or attend sixth form and obtain A-levels, I was left discouraged, unmotivated and hopeless in what I could become as an adult. I had big dreams to become a Paramedic, but felt that this was impossible to achieve.

After researching the necessary steps that I needed to take if I was to become a Paramedic, I came to the realisation that I could actually do it. I found DistanceLearningCentre.com and was instantly impressed with the affordability, flexibility and vast number of courses they offered.

I initially enrolled onto the Paramedicine course, however after speaking with my tutor I was advised that the Allied Health Professions course may be better suited to me and allow me to meet the entry requirements of my chosen university; I felt extremely supported in making this decision and have no doubt that this has only increased my chances of a successful application.

As I had been out of education for over 5 years, I was a little apprehensive to begin the course, it felt like a brand-new experience for me; however, from day one I was put at ease by the brilliant tutors I was lucky enough to have. I feel that they have played a very important role in my academic development by providing me with detailed feedback, checking in with me each week, being available for tutorials and responding to emails and marking assessments in a timely manner. The course materials were super-informative, interesting and easy to understand, this made the assessments and exams quite an enjoyable experience, despite it being challenging at the same time. I found the ungraded units extremely helpful to ease me into the course and restore lost academic skills, and I believe these are so important and really prepare you for your chosen course units.

I achieved 39 Distinctions and 6 Merits, this is beyond what I thought I could ever achieve and is above the requirements of my chosen course in Paramedic Science - thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, I am now able to apply to university and get another step closer to my dream career. (June 2022)

I originally worried that I wouldn’t get as much support as I would if I were in a classroom, but the support was amazing and I could work around my family - Michelle Simms

Image of Michelle Simms

When I first enrolled with DistanceLearningCentre.com I wasn’t very confident. I hadn’t studied for years and lacked the qualifications I needed to follow my dream of becoming a nurse. I have been a mother for over 21 years and this has been my main priority. 

Now that my family is complete, I wanted to do something for me. I always dreamt of becoming a nurse but because of the lack of qualifications and my age I never expected it to be possible. I chose DistanceLearningCentre.com as it was recommended by a colleague of mine. It was the best thing I ever done. I achieved more than I expected. The tutors gave me the confidence and support I needed to complete all the course units. The materials were fantastic and were easy to understand.

Studying from home was another bonus. I originally worried that I wouldn’t get as much support as I would if I were in a classroom, but the support was amazing and I could work around my family.

Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com, I will be recommending you to all my friends, family and colleagues. I never believed I could achieve this but I have thanks to you! I will be forever grateful. (November 2021)

Completing my diploma has really encouraged me in my own abilities and ultimately gave me the confidence to apply for my new job. - Jennifer Booth

Image of Jennifer Booth

Prior to starting with DistanceLearningCentre.com, planning a new career, had only been a pipe dream. I have three young children and a part time job. I never thought it would be possible to fit it all in.

A year later, and even through the lockdowns, I have completed my HE Diploma in Paramedicine, and could not be happier! I have now secured a job in the Ambulance service and cannot wait for my new role to start in the new year! Completing my diploma has really encouraged me in my own abilities and ultimately gave me the confidence to apply for my new job. I found DistanceLearningCentre.com's tutors to be friendly, knowledgeable, and encouraging. I would recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to friends and family wishing to study. (November 2021)

I had my reservations about studying online, but they soon faded away once I started. - Natalie Roberts

Image of Natalie Roberts

For a long time now, I have wanted to get out from behind my desk and get a meaningful job where I can make a difference. I knew what had to be done to start my journey, but I kept making excuses for why it wasn't the right time, when in reality, I was afraid of failing. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up academically, so by not starting my journey, I could live in ignorance. 

I'd researched access courses on several occasions, and each time talked myself out of it...then one day, I came across DistanceLearningCentre.com. They had amazing reviews, offered extensive support for students, were flexible, and affordable. The online testimonials were inspiring, and filled with mature students like me, who had the same fears as I did. Surely, if they were brave enough to do it, I could be to? I had my reservations about studying online, but they soon faded away once I started. The tutors were amazing, supportive, and approachable. Using the online account hub was easy, and the materials were also easy to follow, but if you were ever struggling, there were plenty of podcasts, YouTube links, and step by step guides to help you along the way. 

Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com, has given me the academic knowledge I needed, but more importantly, it has given me the confidence to do it. I no longer sit in fear, telling myself that I won't be able to cope. I now know I can do it, and more importantly, I am doing it. I am actually on the journey to changing my life, thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com. I have gained a place at my first-choice university, and I can walk in on my first day knowing that I have got what it takes. I can't thank them enough. Not just my tutors, who were absolutely amazing, but the whole team, from the IT department to the finance team. Everyone was extremely supportive, and attentive, and I will be forever grateful. (November 2021)

My two tutors were really supportive, enabling me to study flexibly whilst working part time. - Jenny Bakewell

Image of Jenny Bakewell

I decided to study with DistanceLearningCentre.com when I reached my mid-30s. I had a music degree, had taught flute and piano, and worked as a teaching assistant at a primary school. I had a career break to have my 4 children and this is when I started thinking about midwifery. By the time I started studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com I had really wanted to train as a midwife for 10 years, so it felt amazing to finally be proactive and sign up to the Allied Health Professions Access to HE courses. My two tutors were really supportive, enabling me to study flexibly whilst working part time. I was able to have an online tutorial with them every week and they always got back to me quickly with any queries, as well as providing me with a reference for my UCAS application. I now have my Access to HE qualification and have applied to university to study midwifery. (November 2021)
