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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

The straightforward course structure and learning plan meant that I was able to keep on top of my deadlines - Paige Wilson

Image of Paige Wilson Outstanding Achievement Logo

After failing to secure a place on a Midwifery degree during school I truly believed I would never be good enough, disheartened I struggled to find the motivation for my A-levels and left school with poor grades.

After years of unfulfilling administration jobs, the pandemic presented the perfect opportunity for me to focus my time and energy on supporting the NHS, a lifelong ambition. I spent 4 months working on the Test and Trace campaign as a Call Handler and then took up a cleaning role at the local hospital when I saw they were advertising for support. Working throughout the pandemic in a hospital setting was tough, but extremely rewarding; it was great to go to work and finally feel like I was making a difference.

Feeling inspired, I knew there was no better time to give midwifery another go. I discussed with my managers my sustained interest in maternity care and was placed on the Obstetric Theatres before securing a role as a Clerical Officer on the Labour Ward. I signed up to DistanceLearningCentre.com as I wanted to study whilst continuing to provide support within the hospital, the flexibility of studying online allowed me to do this.

Throughout the course I have felt incredibly supported by both my supervisors, they have each demonstrated a genuine interest in my learning, going that extra mile to ensure I understood the content of each unit. The straightforward course structure and learning plan meant that I was able to keep on top of my deadlines. Receiving thorough feedback after each unit allowed me to progress throughout the course to ensure I secured the grades I needed to apply for university.

I truly believe the time and effort taken by my tutors to write me an extremely personal academic reference that expressed my enthusiasm contributed to me receiving 4/4 interviews! I received offers from each university and I am now in a position I never thought I would be, preparing for life as a student midwife. My only regret is not doing the course earlier. (July 2021)

Three Marines I work with are now studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com - Ben Shaw

Image of Ben Shaw

I became a Royal Marines Commando wanting to complete tours of duty and travel the world. After 11 years of service, I have achieved all I have wanted to and more, although my situation has changed. Now my loving wife and new baby girl are waiting for me to come home. I want to see more of them as I am often deployed and based away from them.

I came across DistanceLearningCentre.com when looking for something different to do. The website blew me away with the vast amount of diverse access courses. I suddenly had an option to go to university. I never made the grades at college to go for Paramedic Science, therefore I parked the idea in search of another challenge. I researched further and this was suddenly achievable. I could learn and submit work whilst abroad with tutors to answer my questions. So, I went for it. Daunting at first, but my tutors were perfect and there for me every step of the way. From answering daft tech questions to intricate referencing and wording questions.

Now, I have achieved an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Allied Health Professions. With the help of my tutors, I am currently finishing my UCAS application to apply to universities near my family home. I still have a long way to go but none of this would've been possible if it weren't for DistanceLearningCentre.com. Three Marines I work with are now studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com. I recommend it to anyone who finds a course they have always wanted to do. Go for it, and best of luck. (July 2021) Award of Achievement Nominee

They were excellent in helping me navigate my path towards success, building my confidence - Ceri Chapman

Image of Ceri Chapman

I enjoyed my experience studying with the DistanceLearningCentre.com. Being a mature student, I was initially worried that returning to higher education was not the right decision. These fears were laid to rest from the beginning. They were excellent in helping me navigate my path towards success, building my confidence and abilities to perform within the medical field.

My personal tutor was extremely supportive, being there for every step of the way via weekly emails and video calls, helping with any problems that I had, either with the course or with my health and wellbeing.

Through DistanceLearningCentre.com I was able to procure a place at university to study Biomedical Science and I am very excited to start this new chapter of my life.

Thank you to everyone for helping me on my learning journey and making my dreams possible. (July 2021) Award of Achievement Nominee

This course helped me and it can help you achieve your dream - Jonathon Fallon

Image of Jonathon Fallon

For years I've worked in healthcare and have dreamed about becoming a Paramedic. Life and, lack of training/job opportunities always kept me back until I found DistanceLearningCentre.com access course in Paramedic Science.

I was able to study around my full-time job and, I obtained all 5 university interviews through UCAS and I'm now set to start in LJMU 2021 for Paramedic Science.

My tutors offered more guidance and support than what I expected and have helped me achieve a dream I've had for over 10 years. Thank you to my tutors for your guidance and patience. This course helped me and it can help you achieve your dream! (July 2021)

I was amazed at how easy the process was and how it fit in so well with my lifestyle - Chloe Hall

Image of Chloe Hall

When COVID 19 hit the world in 2020 it was a time of grief, anxiety, fear, and most of all uncertainty. The one thing that stood out to me was the determination, courage, and dedication of all the NHS key workers but especially the healthcare professionals. This was inspirational to me and motivated me to pursue a career in Nursing.

Having been put on furlough from my job and having some recent life changes I decided to look into ways I could pursue my dream into university. Having left school with not many GCSEs and coming up to the age of 30 it seemed like a million miles away.

I then came across DistanceLearningCentre.com to study the Higher Education Diploma and my Maths Level 2 Functional Skills. I was amazed at how easy the process was and how it fit in so well with my lifestyle, especially getting a job on a COVID ward and working lots of long hours.

The tutors were really supportive and were always an email or phone call away. The materials were really interesting and challenged me in a positive way to come out of my comfort zone. I now have my university place to study adult nursing! I would highly recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anyone and it's never too late to pursue your dreams by going back into education. (July 2021)
