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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

The tutors and fellow students at DistanceLearningCentre.com are amazing, welcoming, and so supportive - Kati Newton

Image of Kati Newton

Before I started the Biomedical Science Diploma, I had just moved to the United Kingdom from the United States and got married to the love of my life. Following our wedding, the pandemic had started which put all of my plans to a halt. I could not get a driver's license, a job, or even travel and explore. I tried to settle in our home by taking up crocheting and arts & crafts but ultimately just felt like I was wasting time by not progressing in this new country. I decided to use my time off more wisely by studying a new degree.

A new life in a new world means a new career change too. I chose Biomedical Science. Apparently, I really wanted a challenge! I put my mind to it and finished in less than 6 months. The tutors and fellow students at DistanceLearningCentre.com are amazing, welcoming, and so supportive. I could not have done this without them. I have been accepted to the University of Hull where I will be furthering my education with a BSc in Biomedical Science. Now that the Pandemic lockdowns are easing, I will be able to use this diploma to help start my new career. (July 2021)

Due to their flexibility, not only was I able to complete the course within 6 months but I was also able to continue working full-time - Sophie Sweet

Image of Sophie Sweet

I have always worked within the care industry and it is within this time that I discovered my dream of becoming a Paramedic. Due to a previous illness, I was unable to receive the required A-Levels needed to study Paramedic Science at University and when researching how to get around this I discovered DistanceLearningCentre.com and I'm so glad I did!

I only discovered DistanceLearningCentre.com in the November which meant I only had 6 months to meet the deadline to be able to start studying in September 2021. With help from all the wonderful tutors this was possible and I was able to achieve the maximum credits required and secured a position at the University of Greenwich to study Paramedic Science in September 2021.

Due to their flexibility, not only was I able to complete the course within 6 months but I was also able to continue working full-time whilst completing my studies in a time that best suits me with tutors constantly on hand for any help if needed. DistanceLearningCentre.com have provided me with all the essential skills required for my future at University. The whole access course has been extremely enjoyable and I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone as I will forever be grateful for this experience! (July 2021)

Having spoken to several distance learning course providers on the phone, I decided on DistanceLearningCentre.com the minute I got off the phone with them - Sarah Wilson

Image of Sarah Wilson

I'd wanted to do my A-level equivalency for years but was convinced I needed to be sitting in a classroom with someone constantly on hand to answer all the stupid questions I was sure I was going to ask! With working at sea for 6 months at a time this was unrealistic and the years passed comfortably by and I'd done nothing to achieve my goals.

When the pandemic hit and all cruise ships were laid up, I decided I couldn't just sit around indefinitely, waiting to go back to sea, and also that, at 36 years old, I wanted more security and normality in my life so decided, finally, that I was going to go after my long-term career goal of becoming a midwife and use the lockdown to complete my Access to Higher Education Diploma.

Having spoken to several distance learning course providers on the phone, I decided on DistanceLearningCentre.com the minute I got off the phone with them, not once did they mention any 'offer' they had on or incentives to go with them, it wasn't about the money, it was about the education. I'm so glad I made that choice as, after being out of education for 20 years and convinced it would be a daily battle and struggle to understand and complete the work, I completed the course in 5 months with all 45 credits at Distinction, something I never in my wildest dreams thought possible. I'm now starting my Midwifery degree in October confident and excited, rather than fearful and insecure in my abilities, so thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com! (July 2021)

I just really wanted to make people aware of the amazing courses that are available through DistanceLearningCentre.com - Rebecca Spencer

Image of Rebecca Spencer

I started my access to paramedicine course in every hope to attend university, however due to life changes and the COVID 19 pandemic I decided against university but still continued to do the course to progress in the future. Thankfully I was able to research into internal routes in the ambulance service and now because of the experience and the qualification I have obtained a new job role as an emergency care assistant in the Yorkshire Ambulance Trust, with progression to a paramedic with the trust. Even during the interview, they stated they really appreciate the hard work of people who take these qualifications and course.

I just really wanted to make people aware of the amazing courses that are available through DistanceLearningCentre.com and the other routes that are available due to these courses, not just university.

DistanceLearningCentre.com were brilliant, and all the tutors, admin and finance staff were always informative, had guidance and responded quickly even on small questions even throughout the pandemic and stress.

I couldn't recommend this course enough to anyone wishing to do further education. (July 2021)

This course has opened up a whole new career path for me and given me the confidence boost I needed - Fiona Norman

Image of Fiona Norman

Before starting my Access to HE Diploma course with DistanceLearningCentre.com, I had been working in the city in Financial PR for a number of years. It wasn't a career I was passionate about, and it wasn't a career I could see a future for myself in. It was a career I 'fell' into, and it was stable, comfortable, and easy to stay put.

Fast-forward to March 2020 and I was made redundant during the Coronavirus pandemic. This felt like the worst thing that could happen. However, something that should have been a low point in my life turned out to be my biggest wake-up call and would change my life for the better.

Three years before, I had a skiing accident resulting which required reconstructive surgery and a year of physiotherapy to get me walking again. During this time, I found myself becoming increasingly interested in the mechanics of the body and the practice of physiotherapy. Back then, it wasn't even a thought to change careers in pursuit of something I was genuinely excited about. However, when faced with unemployment during a pandemic, I was given a second chance.

After some internet research, I discovered that to become a physiotherapist I would need a university degree, and since I had been out of education for almost 10 years, with an unrelated degree, I was not able to apply. That's when I found DistanceLearningCentre.com. It was perfect for me, giving me the chance to study independently on a course which was targeted at securing me a place at university. So, I took the plunge.

Having now completed my course, and with a secure university offer for September 2021, I feel so proud in what I have achieved during a year of challenging and uncertain times. I can't thank DistanceLearningCentre.com enough for this opportunity, and for the support from my tutors which has been incredible. This course has opened up a whole new career path for me and given me the confidence boost I needed to know I have what it takes to return to university as a mature student and pursue my goal of becoming a physiotherapist. (July 2021)
