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To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

A way I could get back on the path to studying Physiotherapy at University, just like I had planned when I was 17 - Helen Cowley

Image of Helen Cowley

While for many people, COVID-19 brought huge negativity, for me it brought time to reflect on my career. It was at this point I rewound the clocks and revisited my passion and interest for the human body and started thinking of a way I could get back on the path to studying Physiotherapy at University, just like I had planned when I was 17. As I didn't have the A-levels to get into University, I started researching possible options that would get me onto a degree course. Most importantly I needed to find an option that I could fit around full-time work.

DistanceLearningCentre.com enabled me to continue working a full-time job and study in my free time. The nature of distance learning is online, which means you aren't tied to specific class times, you can read and study material whenever is most convenient for you and also agree on deadlines with your tutor. The tutors are incredibly supportive and knowledgeable. They are always on hand to offer a tutorial and will keep you on track for achieving your deadlines, while at the same time, giving you space and independence to work in a way that suits you.

If I was to give anyone considering DistanceLearningCentre.com advice, it would be to go for it! Of course, there is always going to be a sacrifice; if you are working full time and studying it is a big commitment of your time, however, if you are well structured and keep to deadlines, you will be amazed at how much you can achieve. Distance learning has given me so much confidence in myself, I am still pinching myself that I was able to work full time and complete an Access course at Distinction level, all in the midst of a pandemic too. I am now all set to pack in my HR career of 10 years and start at the University of St Marys to study BSC Physiotherapy in September 2021. (July 2021)

Each tutorial I had was insightful and educational and kept me motivated - Dawn Evans

Image of Dawn Evans Outstanding Achievement Logo

When I left the Royal Navy in February 2019 after 23 years' service, I never thought for one second, I would be heading to university in September 2021 to retrain as a midwife, as I found myself in the United States supporting my husband for a 2 and half year military appointment, looking after our two young children and considering my next career move. I had always been fascinated by midwifery and working in healthcare but was unsure about embarking on such a different career path as I did not possess the required educational qualifications to undertake a BSc in Midwifery at any university.

After conducting some online research, I discovered that an Access to Higher Education Diploma with science was the qualification I needed. However, achieving this via online learning was my only option whilst living overseas. I discovered DistanceLearningCentre.com after further higher education research, and applied to do their Access to Higher Education Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery which I started in April 2020, just as the Covid pandemic really began impacting life in the USA.

With the schools shutting down and having both kids at home full time, I persevered with the course in between home schooling and keeping the house running. I was utterly determined that I wanted to apply for a university place for when we eventually got back to the UK in August 2021, but at times I felt I had no chance of achieving my aim. However, throughout the 12 months of studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com, the support I was given from both of my tutors was absolutely incredible. Nothing was too much trouble for them. Each tutorial I had was insightful and educational and kept me motivated in completing the individual course sections.

Whilst I had achieved an offer, I still had much work to do to meet the grade requirement but both my tutors kept me focused, on track, encouraged me and pushed me academically to achieve the grades I needed. I never thought I would ever go to university in my lifetime; I thought I was too old and would never achieve the academics required to be considered. I cannot thank my tutors enough. They are the reason I am going to university this year and I am so very excited!

I highly recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com as they have helped me realise my academic potential and I have gained so much confidence in this regard as a result. The overall course really opened my eyes to the many issues and challenges I may face when entering the healthcare sector and as such I feel ready to make a real contribution to the NHS workforce whenever I get there! I just hope I will continue to do my tutors proud as I embark on my new journey into midwifery. Thank you so much DistanceLearningCentre.com! (July 2021)

Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, I have had another shot at higher education - Beth Barrow

Image of Beth Barrow

I have always dreamt about having a job in healthcare, but after I had to leave sixth form due to problems with my mental health, I thought this would never be possible. I knew that I still wanted to go to university to pursue my dream, so I researched for months for ways that would make this dream a reality. DistanceLearningCentre.com stood out to me over other access courses for a number of reasons such as; the flexibility for working around by job; the ability to study subjects I never have before; the accessible price point; and the highly relevant and interesting course materials.

I was very nervous about beginning my studies as I thought that Access to HE Diplomas were aimed at mature students, being 17 at the time of beginning my studies. But I was so wrong! The Diploma is for anyone wanting to enter higher education. DistanceLearningCentre.com, and my tutors especially, couldn't have been more accommodating and supportive.

Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, I have had another shot at higher education and I am waiting to begin my degree in adult nursing. There is no doubt that the academic and personal skills I have gained through my studies here will benefit me for life! (July 2021)

Thank you all for getting me through what I thought was never possible - Sean Bell

Image of Sean Bell

As a 16-year-old, I joined the British Army and had a good number of years serving my country. I left when my wife and I decided to start our family as I didn't believe my career and family life were truly compatible with the time I spent away from home. From here, I joined the RNLI as a volunteer which in turn led to my studying for and achieving my Master's qualification for workboats. This has given me another number of years in a fulfilling career, unfortunately, the reason I left the army was the amount of time I spent away from home. My career as a skipper now saw me spending far more time away on a rolling shift pattern. I felt a trapped and sad that I was missing out on my children growing up.

It was then my wife showed me the DistanceLearningCentre.com website and suggested I studied an Access to Higher Education course to enable me to apply for Paramedic Science at the University of Hull. I have found fitting the course around my job (90 hours per week) challenging. The support from the tutors and the nature of the course meant that this was possible. I have applied for and been offered a place at the university and on the course of my choice. It would not have been possible without this excellent course and the tutors who make it happen. Thank you all for getting me through what I thought was never possible. I would wholeheartedly recommend studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com to realise your own dreams. (July 2021)

DistanceLearningCentre.com enabled me to get the science qualifications necessary to gain a place at university studying Biomedical Science - Layla Moan

Image of Layla Moan

Deciding in my third year of studying Law that it was no longer a career I wanted to go into left me feeling as if there was no way to change my career path. However, after researching how to get the grades necessary to enter University again I felt DistanceLearningCentre.com was the best option for me. The course was flexible and fit around my current studies, as well as volunteering and provided me with the qualifications I needed to get study science at university.

Studying the Access to Science course alongside finishing my law degree was a challenge, especially since the subjects were very different but my tutors were very helpful. They were quick to reply to emails and provided great support in completing all assessments. The materials provided by DistanceLearningCentre.com were excellent resources, as was the online library.

DistanceLearningCentre.com enabled me to get the science qualifications necessary to gain a place at university studying Biomedical Science. They have helped me change my career course in a short time and I highly recommend them to anyone who is thinking of changing their career. (July 2021)
