To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.
The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!
I felt supported and guided through the whole process from beginning to end - Clare Backhouse

Fab5 Award Nominee
I had my first child at 21 and then arrived another 4, so most of my adult life was taken up with looking after my 5 children. I loved it all however I had always had a desire of becoming a midwife when I turned 40? They do say life begins at 40 and I certainly wanted to prove this was the case?
When researching the qualifications needed, I realised that I would need maths and science GCSE's as well as either x3 A-levels or an access course. I decided on the latter option, simply because I am not a massive fan of exams!
I came across and after speaking to an advisor on the phone, I decided this was the best route for me. I was so pleased that it was made affordable, by paying a portion each month. I commenced my studies very quickly and was allocated a tutor who contacted me very quickly and she remained my source of knowledge, support, and guidance throughout.
I had not studied psychology for years, so it was all new to me, however I felt very comfortable asking for help and all the study materials provided were excellent. There was a lot of hard work involved however it was worth it. Very quickly the Distinction grades started coming back!! I was so shocked but extremely pleased that I would be able to achieve these grades when I hadn't studied for over 20 years!
I felt supported and guided through the whole process from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoyed each module. I completed my UCAS application with the supporting reference from my tutor, which was personalised and enabled me to achieve 5 out of 5 offers for my chosen universities. has enabled me to start my career in the most positive way possible and for that I cannot thank them enough. If you are thinking about doing an Access Diploma, then my advice is take the plunge, sign up and put your heart and soul into it. It could be the first step on the ladder to the career you have always dreamed of! (Jun 2017)
If you are determined, you can do it, especially with the tutors support - Hannah Gregory was the only way I could still work and study the Access to HE Diploma (Allied Health Professions).
It hasn't been easy juggling commitments but if you are determined you can do it especially with the tutors support. I have been accepted to my chosen University to start in September, I never imagined I would get that far. (Jun 2017)
Put me in an amazing mind-set ready for some hard graft at university - Melissa Wilkinson

Fab5 Award Nominee
As a working mum of 5 children under 10 years old, our household is very busy and noisy at all times, meaning that more often than not, my Access Diploma studies took place most evenings, very late at night when I could get some time to myself.
I have been passionate about midwifery since leaving college at 18 years old, however it seems that life, plans and one thing or another delayed my 13 year dream. Now that my family is complete and we have built up a sustainable future for our children, there was no better time for me to follow my dream and make it a reality.
Last summer; whilst being heavily pregnant, I decided that I was to wait no longer and that's when I discovered and without their existence I would not have guaranteed that in a few weeks' time I would be commencing my Midwifery Degree at university. I am so grateful that the opportunity arose for me to be able to gain amazing grades all from the comfort of my home.
Although distance learning requires a lot of self-motivation, I feel I could not have got through the few tough periods without the excellent reassurance from my tutors. The course itself has really blown away the cobwebs within my brain and put me in an amazing mind-set ready for some hard graft at university. I feel my essay skills are the area of learning that have greatly improved, from initially feeling anxious and timid at the thought of planning an essay to actually feeling excited at the thought of writing another essay.
I would not hesitate in recommending to anyone and I quite regularly do so when the opportunity arises. It has opened many doors for both me and the future of my family. Would I do it all again?, the answer is "yes??.. at the drop of a hat!" (Jun 2017)
My tutors have been fantastic, I cannot thank them enough - Nicola Sherwin

From being a care worker to always striving for more, but thinking I am too old, not smart enough or have the relevant qualifications or grades to even think about going to university, made me feel like it was unachievable.
Fast forward 10 months later, after completing my Access to Allied Health Professions with, I have had not one but two offers from my university choices. I am thrilled to bits to of achieved this outcome and my family and friends are so proud of me.
It has been difficult at times to manage a full time job, family commitments and study but I have had so much support from my family. My tutors have been fantastic, I cannot thank them enough. I am sure without their support I would not be looking forwards to starting my BSc Hons degree in Adult Nursing in September 2017.
My advice to mature students would be to believe in yourself and aim for the stars! Good luck with your studies. (Jun 2017)
Has really equipped me to deal with the bigger challenges ahead - Darlington Ojo

Fab5 Award Nominee
Having previously failed to secure a place for social work, due to lack of required qualifications in Health and Social care, I researched and found
Initially I was a bit worried and sceptical about the recognition and accreditation of the Access to HE diploma, but these worries soon disappeared; the modules were well structured and materials detailed, I felt it was actually more than I would have received in classroom teaching.
Barely three months into the Diploma and having achieved a few credit units I was able to get interview offers in all the universities of my choice and as a matter of fact, by the beginning of December I had already received an offer for a place in Social work at one of the most reputable universities in England.
This wouldn't have been made possible without the effort of my tutor; he was fantastic and never tired of me. His words of encouragement and support cannot be underestimated, he helped guide my UCAS application, scrutinised my personal statement and wrote a good reference and recommendation in support of the application. I am indeed grateful to him and thankful to the entire staff of Distance learning
The skills and knowledge acquired helped me greatly during the rigorous stages of the university admission process; I talked boldly and confidently, like a social worker, during the interview section.
This programme has really equipped me to deal with the bigger challenges ahead. I recommend without hesitation; my long time ambition of studying to become a social work professional has finally been made possible. Thanks (Jun 2017)