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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2012 - Caroline O'Neill

Image of Caroline O'Neill

I decided to take the DistanceLearningCentre.com course in order to fulfil a lifelong dream of becoming a midwife. I never thought I could change a career at the grand age of 45, but I have now completed the course and have secured a place at University for September 2012.

My past work history ranges from admin to been a publican, so regardless of age or past work history you can still achieve your goals. I found the course hard going as I was out of academic study for a few years, but the tutors were so supportive, they really helped me get through a few wobbly times, also, the course materials are very comprehensive.

I have completed the course with distinctions across the board, I now miss studying and can't wait to start my studies in midwifery at university. For all of those who think they are too old I would say Go for it, you're never too old.

June 2012 - Caroline Griffiths

Image of Caroline Griffiths

Up until 2 and a half years ago I had spent over 20 years in the financial services sector and had been a successful mortgage broker and financial planning adviser. However due to the economic climate I was made redundant twice during the course of a year. I decided I wanted to have a career in a caring profession and was luckier enough to be taken on as a health Care support worker at a local hospital. I absolutely loved the variety of work and caring for the patients and soon decided that I wanted to take the next step of training to become an adult nurse.

As I had insufficient up to date qualifications I knew that I would need to take an Access to Nursing course to get me into University. As a single parent with two teenage children, working full time and working shifts I knew that a traditional college course would not suit me and decided to search the internet for other courses. With DistanceLearningCentre.com I was particularly impressed about what other students had said about the support and encouragement from the tutors. Well 18 months later I can strongly reiterate all those sentiments. DistanceLearningCentre.com is an excellent way to study and it really enables you to fit in your studying around your lifestyle.

After being out of education for so many years, this has really enabled me to get back into studying for assessments. I really enjoyed researching the various modules which I could often relate to things I had seen at work and I am sure that they are going to be more than useful once I start at University. It is hard work, you do need to be motivated and it is important to set yourself targets but knowing that your tutor is just a phone call or e-mail away is really reassuring. I got offers from two local Universities and for my first choice I needed 24 credits at merit of above which I am pleased to say I more than achieved. So thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com for starting me on the road to my new career.

June 2012 - Anita Szajda

Image of Anita Szajda

I would like to grab this opportunity to thank DistanceLearningCentre.com for giving me the chance to work towards my dream and encourage you to believe in and go for your dreams. I decided two years ago that I would like to go to University to study the BA Applied Nursing and Social Work Joint Degree as I simply fell in love with the idea of combining these two professions.

As I was working full time for the local hospital and doing lots of overtime, I was desperate to find a distance learning access course which DistanceLearningCentre.com could then offer. At the beginning I found the course a bit difficult and stressful as you are quite alone with your studying, and also because English is not my first language; but I received all the guidance I needed and then started really enjoying it, although, I have to say it was hard work and sometimes very tiring.

Finally, with determined work and support from my tutors, I finished the course with merits and distinctions which secured my place at Sheffield Hallam University. I am very excited now and looking forward to my studying from September. All I would like to tell you is that if you have ever planned to study at a University, you really should go for it. It is never too late and DistanceLearningCentre.com is the best place to start. I really do believe that if you want the place and ready to work hard for it, you will get it. And it is worth it. Every minute I spent with DistanceLearningCentre.com and studying was worth it.

June 2012 - Amy Cox

Image of Amy Cox

I have been trying to get a place on a midwifery course for the last 3 years now, and although I worked hard at school and got good grades, I took an entirely different career path to start with so I had no science or social science qualifications.

I found out about DistanceLearningCentre.com on a student midwife forum, asked a few of the girls about it, and then emailed for more information. The Access to Midwifery was affordable, and seemed 'doable' and as I needed it, I went for it!

It hasn't been easy, and there are many times when I've wanted to throw my computer at the wall, but my tutors were incredibly supportive ? no question was too daft for them to answer, and there was always a friendly voice at the end of the phone whenever needed, and someone ready to respond to endless emails of "I'm never gonna do this!".

I have to be honest, I lost faith half way through my course and let the work slide, and it wasn't until I got my conditional offer of a place to study midwifery that I suddenly sat up and realised I needed to get my rear end in motion! You definitely need to have motivation and support to do this course, but I've found it to be interesting and challenging, and currently I have the grades to fulfil the conditions of my offer, so will be starting down my dream career path this September!

June 2012 - Gloria Jolly

My determination and commitment to become a midwife has led me to starting and completing an Access to HE Midwifery Diploma. Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com I have been able to improve my knowledge, increase my confidence and prepare myself on the pathway to Midwifery.

Though the course was very challenging it was also flexible. This allowed me to fit in my daily activities whilst studying my access course. I would like to thank DistanceLearningCentre.com and my tutors for supporting and assisting me in achieving and gaining good results that has enabled me to gain a place at Anglia Ruskin University to study Midwifery.
