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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

November 2008 - Sean Havire

Image of Sean Havire

DistanceLearningCentre.com helped me in a way I can never fully explain. I was never able to complete anything, I give up easily. When I was 15 years old, I moved to the UK with no qualifications. I could not continue with my education so I found a job. I was stuck in the same position for a long period of time. I thought to myself, "I need to do something with my life", so I enrolled on the Access Course. To begin with things seemed hard and my tutor would always say to me, "You are doing well", and as much as I wanted to give up, I felt that maybe I should just give it a try. I passed my first assignment, and I was like "Wow I did it, but seven more to go". I was scared, but every time I spoke to my tutor she gave me the confidence and strength to keep pressing on.

For all those considering studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com, I would recommend it. You see, the importance of education is very clear. Education is the key to a successful life and it open doors wherever you go. I applied for a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology in Malaysia and the qualification was accepted without a problem. To me this Access Course did not only open doors for me in the UK, it also opened doors abroad too.

Now I can choose what I want to do with my life, which is a privilege I never had before. With that in mind I would like to thank my Tutor for the hard work she did for me, her patience and most of all the time she spent trying to put me on the right track. Do not give up, live your dream. DistanceLearningCentre.com is the stepping stone you need...

June 2008 - Tracey Griffin

Image of Tracey Griffin

My name is Tracey and I am married with two children, 14 and 4. I decided to do an Access course but could not find one near me at my local colleges that suited me. The hours were unsociable and did not work out beneficial to me with my husbands job or around the children. After doing some research I found DistanceLearningCentre.com!! To my relief it is QAA approved and just what I was looking for and could not believe my luck. I made an enquiry and within about 3 days was up and running and on my first module. I did the Access to Midwifery course. I have always wanted to do midwifery and without DistanceLearningCentre.com I believe it would have been virtually impossible for me to realise my dream. I could not comit to 3 evenings a week at a local college, but with DistanceLearningCentre.com I could study whenever I chose to.

I applied to 3 universities and when I mentioned the Access course I was doing at interview they all seemed impressed particularly with the modules I was doing. Having now passed my Access course modules and the exam I am now due to start at Edge Hill University at Ormskirk in September 2008. Since joining DistanceLearningCentre.com and also the forum I have found the support from the tutors exceeding my expectations. I thought I would have difficulty reaching them but they were always at the end of the phone or email when I needed support. I have also made some good friends on the forum and we support each other.

Prior to joining DistanceLearningCentre.com my confidence was starting to diminish due to personal circumstances and I had the courage to just go for it and now my confidence has rocketed, knowing I can now cope with a 3 year degree in my chosen career of midwifery. This has certainly given me the confidence I never knew I had to better myself and for my family too. If anyone has considered doing an Access course DistanceLearningCentre.com is the way forward, without this access course I would have been completely lost. Thanks to my tutor for all your support.

June 2008 - Tolu Solaru

Image of Tolu Solaru

It has always been my dream to study midwifery and in order to achieve this it was necessary to gain the appropriate qualifications for entry to higher education.

Working full time and being a mother of one meant that it was impossible to study through the traditional mode of learning and I had almost given up on studying until a midwifery forum directed me to DistanceLearningCentre.com.

My studies with DistanceLearningCentre.com started in September 2007 and were finally completed in June 2008. I found studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com interesting, informative, exciting and sometimes challenging. The weekly calls from my tutor and the course materials were of immeasurable help and the modules studied have improved both my academic and personal skills. There were days I just wanted to throw in the towel and walk away but the support of my family and DistanceLearningCentre.com tutor coupled with the desire to succeed kept me going.

I have finally achieved the required credits needed and I cannot wait to start the midwifery course with the University of Leeds in September 2008.

Thanks to my course tutor and the other DistanceLearningCentre.com staff, I could not have made it without you guys.

June 2008 - Keeley Abbs

Image of Keeley Abbs

I started studying the Access to Midwifery with DistanceLearningCentre.com back in 2007 but after completing only two modules I gave up, I'm still not sure why, I just wasn't motivated enough. In September 2007 I started at a local college to do the Access course, thinking it would keep me motivated. After two months on that course I found it slow going and had not done any work at all, I also lost confidence as I was told not to apply for Midwifery because I wouldn't get in, so I gave that up.

I decided to start back with DistanceLearningCentre.com in January 2008, and this time I was determined to succeed. I had already applied to Universities for Midwifery and had interviews. After my first interview I got accepted on the Midwifery degree!

I believe getting that offer of a place and receiving help and support from my tutor kept me motivated enough to complete the Access course with DistanceLearningCentre.com! I'm now preparing to start University in September and I can't wait! I have waited a long time for this. I feel proud that I managed to pass the Access course as well as looking after my six young children!

Thanks to my tutor for all your help and support, you have been great!

June 2008 - Asana Ramart

Image of Asana Ramart

I left school 18 years ago. It was my dream to become a nurse but I didn't know how.

Having a family under my care makes it hard for one to take care of the family and study at the same time. It feels is impossible to achieve what you want. It was like a dream come true when I found DistanceLearningCentre.com.

Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com I have now achieved my goal. I've been offered a place at London Southbank University for adult nursing and I have gained my confidence back. I am so happy. Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com and a big thanks to my tutor.
