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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

March 2011 - Marline Clovis Gilbert

Image of Marline Clovis Gilbert

I enrolled on the Access to Higher Education Diploma course with DistanceLearningCentre.com in order to gain the required knowledge to continue on in my studies towards a career in Nursing. The course was excellent and my tutor provided the support I needed along the way.

Now that I have completed the course I am looking forward to getting into University and putting what I have learned into good use. I have already recommended my sister in law to 'get on board DistanceLearningCentre.com train'.

March 2011 - Luke McShane

Image of Luke McShane

I've just finished an Access to H.E Social Work Diploma, I have already been accepted to study Social Work at the University of Gloucestershire and this course was my main route in because I have been out of education for around 9 years.

The course has definitely prepared me for University, the level of study and essay writing have proved very valuable. I thought it would be hard because I came straight out of the Army and wanted to restart education, but my tutor was brilliant and very supportive, thanks to my tutor and thanks DistanceLearningCentre.com.

March 2011 - Yvona Kantorova

Image of Yvona Kantorova

The reason I decided to study for my Access to Higher Education Diploma through DistanceLearningCentre.com was simple, I worked full time and didn't have any extra time to attend an evening course, let alone a part time course. Therefore when I found out about DistanceLearningCentre.com I realised that that was exactly what I needed. When I saw the DistanceLearningCentre.com website I was really impressed! It took me a while to get into its systems but after a short while I could see how much useful information there was on the site.

And why have I decided to go for midwifery? For a start, my mother works in a hospital, so I'm used to the environment and everything connected with it ? the way the staff always look so immaculately clean in their white coats, the specific smell of a hospital, the way the place is always busy. I'm also keen on babies and young children and most of all I like the thought that hospital is the place where they make people feel better. At least they try to do so. I've always wanted to make people feel better, make them smile and feel comfortable.

I found the subjects studied for an Access Diploma extremely interesting. From English language to Biology to Child Psychology I enjoyed every single subject and learned many new things. The gained knowledge became very handy in my personal life too, as during my studies I fell pregnant and shortly after my moderation I gave birth to a baby son.

At the moment I am on maternity leave and very busy with the new baby but I am determined to pursue the midwifery career as soon as I can. I would like to say a big thank you to everybody at DistanceLearningCentre.com for their great support and especially to my tutor.

March 2011 - Karen Southwood

Image of Karen Southwood

I have been in my current career for 20 years and whilst ongoing learning has been a part of it, it's been such a long time since I have written in the format and style needed for the assessments.

Before starting the course I was a little apprehensive but the tutors have been so supportive and the course work easy to follow. The coursework inspired me and instead of worrying about writing a 2000 word essay I found myself struggling to reduce my work to 2000 words as I could have easily got carried away. To get those all important distinctions you really do have to put the leg work in, there's a lot to study and a lot of work to do. It has been a hard (but enjoyable) struggle but the fact that you can go at your own pace was one of the main reasons I chose DistanceLearningCentre.com.

I have my normal job, my volunteer work and three children to juggle so being able to pace it out over 18 months has really worked well. I can't praise DistanceLearningCentre.com enough, special thanks to my Tutor. I don't know how my particular Tutor compares to the others but I felt he knew my abilities well and knew when to support me and when to leave me to it ? I didn't feel hassled or pressured but felt he was there should I need him.

I am proud of what I have achieved through DistanceLearningCentre.com and know that everything I've learnt will be useful to me in the future.

March 2011 - Rebecca Warboys

Image of Rebecca Warboys

I found DistanceLearningCentre.com in Spring 2010 while searching the internet for a course that would strengthen my application for 2011 Midwifery courses.I was delighted to be able to do a course that didn't mean I couldn't keep up the day job and where I wouldn't have to struggle to get childcare. It was great to be able to literally pick it up and put it down as it suited me.

I managed to complete the course within 6 months despite being a mum of 4 young children, working several paid and voluntary jobs and managing the build on our new home; so it is definately do-able, and it helps you to focus when you are juggling study with family life. Something essential if I am to make a sucess of university.

I was so lucky to have a brilliant course tutor who was fab at responding to emails and calling me often. I have a degree in a completely unrelated field, so the biology and psychology were totally new areas for me to explore but I found that I really enjoyed them and these have given me a really good understanding which I can expand upon when I start uni. My tutor helped if there were any areas I struggled with!
