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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2014 - Jodi Boyd

Image of Jodi Boyd

After leaving my previous employment in the Beauty Industry to take time out for myself and to have my third child, I decided it was a perfect opportunity to better myself and pursue further education so that I could hopefully one day get what we all strive for, job satisfaction! After such a long time out of education I needed to stimulate my brain .... which often becomes redundant after bringing up children and generally plodding on with life. I wanted a challenge and to prove to myself that I could realistically achieve a goal that I once would have never even attempted.

I'd hazard a guess that I'm one of the longest running students of DistanceLearningCentre.com ... it took me 3 1/2 years to complete the Access Diploma ... yes, you read that correctly!! I have to say it hasn't been easy, throughout my studies there have been ups, downs, births, bereavement and all the everyday stresses that we all face, along with a husband working erratic hours and who himself was also at university, it has at times been difficult to get things done. However I managed to push through it with the fantastic, down to earth and friendly attitude from my tutors who have been patient and so encouraging all the way through, nudging me on to see it through.

I have completed my diploma with almost full Distinctions (with the exception of one merit), something I'm mega proud of. All the modules have been challenging and interesting and my brain is definitely in first gear now! I have gained my place at Northumbria University to study Biomedical Science, after changing from my original course choice as my confidence had grown so much, I went for something more challenging and I'm absolutely itching to start in September! Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com and especially the lovely tutors! Bring it on!"

June 2014 - Beverley Marra

Image of Beverley Marra

After leaving school with very little qualifications at the age of 16, I knew my chances of becoming a nurse were zero. At the age of 36, I had 3 children and been in many jobs but no experience in healthcare.

I searched for a course which would enable me to get back into study and fit in completely around my family demands. I signed up to study English & Maths GCSE equivalences and Access to higher education in nursing, with DistanceLearningCentre.com last year and although have found it challenging at times I have completed it all and gained the relevant qualifications.

I have been offered a place at UCS Suffolk to start in September for adult nursing and know that the skills I have learnt through DistanceLearningCentre.com will prove invaluable. I cannot believe that I'm finally going into a career that means so much to me and am so glad that I decided to take that step a year ago as I am now well on my way to becoming a nurse!

June 2014 - Tendi Jana

Image of Tendi Jana

I have always wanted to be a nurse but did not have enough grades to make me eligible to apply for a nursing degree. I have a two year old so I knew that going to college was not an option as it would have been very difficult.

Whilst browsing on the internet I came across DistanceLearningCentre.com and I thought the layout of the course would fit my lifestyle. I enrolled with DistanceLearningCentre.com and started my access to nursing in August 2013 and completed in June 2014. My tutors were excellent, very supportive and encouraging.

I have secured a place at university to study Adult Nursing starting this September which I am very excited about. I would like to thank my tutors for all the support you have given me and last but not least to DistanceLearningCentre.com for providing this great course.

June 2014 - Modupe Akinlade

Image of Modupe Akinlade

I have enjoyed my studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com even though it was not an easy journey for me. My dream has always been to have a career and something to look back and be proud of. DistanceLearningCentre.com has helped me to believe this is possible.

It has been over 14 years that I have been out of the academic setting, so studying again was quite a challenge. There was a time I found it so frustrating and I almost gave up but was encouraged by my husband to continue. It was not easy to cope with the huge course assessments, my job, my son and other family commitments but eventually I pulled through. I also got lots of encouragement from my tutors who supported me throughout my courses and were there to answer all my questions.

My experience so far with DistanceLearningCentre.com has prepared me for whatever challenges that are there in the university. I am now more confident and ready than ever to face the future. I have been given an offer in Goldsmiths University of London to study social work. I want to use this opportunity to say thank you to my tutors for their time, support, patience and for making me a better student. I will recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anyone who wants to be academically challenged.

June 2014 - James Cooper

Image of James Cooper

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anybody! It was a stepping stone towards my future goal, it got me a place in university to study Adult Nursing (BSc) and has even lined me up with a brilliant job as a health care assistant!

The tutors are so helpful and guide you through every step of the way and give regular feedback and updates. I love to think that if it wasn't for this course I would still be living the same monotonous life, in a dead end job. Take the gamble! 10/10
