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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

I loved the flexibility of the course and the fact that I could work at my own pace - Vaibhavi Mistry

Image of Vaibhavi Mistry Outstanding Achievement Logo

I was a mum of two teenage daughters, one of whom was suffering from postnatal anxiety and feeling extremely isolated. I had experienced being in the laboratory with the idea of becoming a scientist before, but there seemed to be too many hurdles in my way from the health perspective of things. My GCSEs were done in the early ’90s, and A-Level was missing in the subject of science, but I instead had business with no relation to science grades, so I was nowhere near what was required. I also have the experience needed in the laboratory but not the knowledge behind it to make any application stand out, so when the University suggested that I take the Access to Higher Education in Science course from DistanceLearningCentre.com, I was really thrown a lifeline. As this was online learning, I felt reassured that I would be able to continue studying no matter what was happening at work. As a laboratory support worker, I have the task of collaborating with WHO on a molecular Malaria programme, which goes out twice a year with a lot of background work, so dedication is paramount.

I took a leap of faith and began my access course in May 2021, aiming to have it completed within one year; unfortunately, I had become rather ill. Despite this my dedication to complete the access course was strong. I loved the flexibility of the course and the fact that I could work at my own pace after work and at weekends. In the past, I had really struggled in exam-style conditions, so the predominantly essay-based assessment style was perfect for me. I found the course content fascinating and relevant to my chosen field. This foundational knowledge really helped me during my university interviews.

I felt supported the entire way, from the very initial call that I had with my first tutor to the final email from my last. When I found myself having moments of self-doubt, my tutor was always there to remind me of my true ability.  Despite being online learning, I felt a great sense of community within the Facebook group for students. I have been really impressed by DistanceLearningCentre.com’s commitment to providing the best student experience possible, and it was great to be a part of that process.

With the support of my tutors and other students, I completed the course in 2 years due to health reasons, and continued with health battles, as I came to completion, I could see the “light at the end of the tunnel” and achieved more than the grades I needed to apply for university. I am due to begin my Allied Biomedical Science degree in September 2023 at the University of Westminster. Huge thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com for their continuous support. (June 2023)

It has definitely set me up with all the skills I need as I embark on my university degree - Lydia Snowball

Image of Lydia Snowball

I am currently a SEN Teaching Assistant; this role opened my eyes and ignited a spark to learn more about Mental Health and inspired a career change. As a busy working mum, I needed to fit my learning around my schedule. I found the Access to HE Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery, which would enable me to apply for the Mental Health Nursing Degree and take the next step in my new career.

I found the course easily accessible; I haven’t studied in a long time so was apprehensive but didn’t encounter any issues with the course itself and the setup of the website. My tutor in the first units was extremely supportive, she responded quickly to any questions I had and ensured my grades were uploaded within the timeframes. My second tutor for the biology unit was also hands on, really supportive, this unit was probably my most difficult and she really put my mind at ease.

I have learned so much from the course unit content, and it has definitely set me up with all the skills I need as I embark on my university degree. I would definitely recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anyone, it was a positive experience. (June 2023)

I had very flexible, responsive tutors who gave me concise and timely feedback on my progress - Teigue Bromham

Image of Teigue Bromham

Having had to drop out of my A Levels due to health reasons, I was disillusioned with my education and unsure of how to move forward. Eventually I found DistanceLearningCentre.com and decided to pursue a Biomedical Science course with them.

The Diploma offered me a way to move on my life and redefine my experience of education. I had very flexible, responsive tutors who gave me concise and timely feedback on my progress, and the assignments themselves were both engaging and intriguing. I came to the course chaotic and uncertain, but fortunately found it to be organised in such a way that made navigating it very easy.

Overall, the course was more flexible, faster and more affordable than any other route I’d come across. I was supported to complete it in roughly four months and am now happily going on to study Psychology at my desired university, a position that starkly contrasts with where I was less than a year ago. Needless to say, I am very grateful to both the DistanceLearningCentre.com and my tutors.

I’m so glad I found DistanceLearningCentre.com and I was able to take a step forward in my career while living abroad and being self-sufficient and independent - Liam Fleming

Image of Liam Fleming

Living overseas in the UK from Australia and without direct family and financial support meant that re-skilling to become a radiographer seemed like an unattainable goal. My previous studies did not meet the science pre-requisites for most degrees and studying an access course was essential for me to make a step forward. After researching I realised many degrees required me to study an access course full time and in person which is something that I cannot do, and I thought my dream to become a radiographer was unachievable.

Thankfully I found the DistanceLearningCentre.com! Studying online was something that I hadn’t done before. I always considered myself someone who was best learning in a classroom but the Access to Science Diploma I studied with DistanceLearningCentre.com was the next best thing. The support and involvement the tutors had in my studies and the materials that I moved through were informative, preparatory and interesting. This made studying easier to fit in around a demanding and very busy work schedule. Tutors were always excellent and extremely supportive. If I required an extension or had a pressing query about the content or particular question, I always received a prompt and informative response, usually within hours. I enjoyed the structure of the course as it made it easy to see how far I was through and how far I had to go and this was a motivating factor for me. The course took me longer than I expected, due to the nature of my current job and life getting in the way, DistanceLearningCentre.com was perfect for this scenario as I’d imagine falling behind in face-to-face  studies would not be as flexible. All the late nights, stress and time I spent on this access course was worth it.

I have now completed my course which will allow me to be accepted onto a degree in both Australia or the UK in radiography, meaning many doors are now open for me on all sides of the world, thanks to the DistanceLearningCentre.com.

I’m so glad I found DistanceLearningCentre.com and I was able to take a step forward in my career while living abroad and being self-sufficient and independent. Thanks so much! (June 2023)

I felt like I was back on track to my dream of studying Psychology at university - Sadia Shamima

Image of Sadia Shamima

I joined DistanceLearningCentre.com as a mature student shortly after the pandemic ended. Due to dropping out of college, I felt hopeless, but then I found the Access to HE Diploma and I felt like I was back on track to my dream of studying Psychology at university. It really opens up a lot of opportunities for further study so if you haven’t had the opportunity to complete A-Levels this really is a brilliant choice! (June 2023)
