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Since completing my Diploma with DistanceLearningCentre.com I have been studying for my BSc Honours Nutritional Therapy degree at the University of West London (via distance learning) - Trudy Goulding


Since completing my Diploma with DistanceLearningCentre.com I have been studying for my BSc Honours Nutritional Therapy degree at the University of West London (via distance learning). The biggest challenge that I have faced is time management, what with full-time work and other studies (in addition to my degree) that I am undertaking simultaneously via distance learning.

However, doing the DistanceLearningCentre.com course did help to prepare me for that, and was very useful because the Blackboard, Library and Turnitin environments are very similar.

In fact the DistanceLearningCentre course really helped in many ways to prepare me for continued distance learning university degree course in terms of how to work on my own, research, reference correctly, and use online resources. I have just started my second year out of 5 and passed my first three units with first class honours. (Nov 2021)


It was the possibility of redundancy that first prompted me to reflect on whether I could somehow take the opportunity to change how I might spend the rest of my professional life. I realised that my career had not been the result of any great planning on my part, (let's be honest, zero planning) nor was it particularly aligned with my personal passions or values. I'd long been interested in nutrition and its relationship to disease but had not considered turning my passion into a profession, especially at this late stage in my professional life. However, a friend, who is also a life coach, assured me that it was never to late to do what you would have done with hindsight, even 30 years later! As Carl Bard said, "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." And so my better-late-than-never goal was born - to become a Nutritional Therapist.

I changed jobs as I couldn't afford to stop working to study so I knew I had to find flexible online study resources. I figured I could slowly study my way out of my current professional life and into a new one. To get onto an accredited nutrition course, I had to first bridge the gap in my A-level science knowledge so I was delighted to find DistanceLearningCentre.com with its wide variety of accredited Access to HE science courses. Enrolling was a super easy process and there was a wide choice of course options that made it really easy to choose the combination of science units I needed for my specific higher education course. I really appreciated how the overall Access course was structured, first laying the foundations with the two study skills units and then easing into each new topic area with the non-graded introductory units. The materials provided a good balance between covering the key concepts and encouraging/requiring further research, thus driving self-directed learning development and increasing study self-confidence. My tutors were incredibly encouraging all the way through and because they were always there when I needed advice, I never felt stressed. The feedback after each assignment was extremely detailed and relevant and therefore helped identify any areas for improvement.

Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, the quality of the course materials and my unfailingly supportive tutors I am one step closer to my goal. More importantly, I have learned a lot about what works for me in terms of self-directed learning and what doesn't, which is invaluable knowledge as I continue with my online studies. I'd thoroughly recommend anyone looking to venture down a new professional path to start their journey right here. (Nov 2018)

Gave me a very good grounding for the first year of my degree. In fact, on occasions, it was more advanced! - Darren Sargent

I wanted to get in touch with you after I finished my degree to give an update on where I am now. I completed an Access to Healthcare course with you, and I remember DistanceLearningCentre.com being brilliant and ensuring I finished the course on time. I went on to do Physiotherapy at Southampton University and have just graduated with a first class degree.

The last 18 months of learning was very hard and the final year of the degree was extremely difficult as I had a number of personal challenges, nevertheless I gained a lot of support from university staff. Next Monday I start my job as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in Newmarket with AHP Suffolk.

I wanted to say a great big thankyou to you as I know the access course gave me a very good grounding for the first year of my degree. In fact, on occasions, it was more advanced! DistanceLearningCentre.com's organisation of the course was spot on and my personal tutors' efficiency was faultless.
