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To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

The initial registration with reception and the induction chat with my lovely first tutor melted all my concerns - Hanna Kovats

Image of Hanna Kovats

My journey with distance education started two years ago, when I felt that dental nursing was limiting my abilities, and I wanted to achieve more in life. Coming from Hungary made it impossible to use my earlier grades for university applications, so I had to find a plan B to get the needed grades while keeping up my job.

After long and thorough research, I found Distancelearningcentre.com and frankly the testimonials turned the corner for me to sign up, a decision I will never regret!

Distancelearningcentre.com lived up to its reputation; the initial registration with reception and the induction chat with my lovely first tutor melted all my concerns. The road was rough, and I shed a fair number of tears while doing my psychology course. English being my second language made it harder to understand academic literature and produce an a-level standard essay. The learning curve was steep, but my tutor was super encouraging, gently guiding me in the right direction through our tutorial calls, emails, and assessment feedbacks. When I started my biology subject, I already knew the drill.

My second tutor was as positive and encouraging as my first tutor, and was by my side all the way through, whenever I needed help. The materials were well constructed, covering all the needed information relevant to the exams, and offered tons of extra research sites to widen my knowledge and dig deep into the topic, which I found helpful.

The distance learning approach works; however, sacrifice, diligence, and hard work cannot be spared to achieve results. Alongside the good grades my greatest reward was to see my academic improvement through the course and to become more confident in my abilities. (July 2021)

They walked me through my UCAS application and I got offered a place at all of my five choices - Zacharia Kamal

After leaving secondary school I had health issues that saw me unable to go to college for 2 years. I went in to full time work to make ends meet however I always wanted to go to university. I tried attending college twice as an adult learner but unfortunately both times I had to drop out as I found the colleges not very accommodating of circumstances such as work and family.

Having tried and failed twice at obtaining a level 3 qualification to access higher education, I was not too keen on starting another level 3 course. I searched online for hours, spoke to many colleges and read many reviews and studying at DistanceLearningCentre.com seemed to be the right choice to make.

I'm glad I made that choice. The course structure was brilliant. The materials were all easy to read and cleverly laid out to assist in learning and retaining the information. The tutors were extremely helpful and supportive. The most important part of the DistanceLearningCentre.com experience for me is how accommodating and understanding my tutors were. They walked me through my UCAS application and I got offered a place at all of my five choices.

I completed my Access to HE diploma in 10 months and at no point did I feel like the workload was too much. I accepted an offer from one of the top 5 UK universities to study nursing in September.

I want to finish with thanking my tutors. Without them I wouldn't have been able to finish this course. Their feedback was always helpful and their corrections were always easy to implement. Communication with them was very easy and I felt very supported throughout my studies. (July 2021)

I am so thankful and lucky to have found DistanceLearningCentre.com who made my path to university so easy and supported - Cat Holden

Image of Cat Holden Outstanding Achievement Logo

I left high school at 15 years old following mental health issues, leaving me with no GCSEs or A-Levels. I managed to get some GCSEs by myself, but doing A-Levels or higher education without help seemed daunting. My future in education and dream of studying Forensic Psychology at University felt almost not worth pursuing.

I searched far and wide and found DistanceLearningCentre.com who appeared to have rave reviews, which I can now confirm are accurate from my own experience. I was unfamiliar with being set work and meeting online with a tutor and was very concerned about how difficult the course would be as I had been out of education for so long, but I was worrying about nothing. My tutor was fantastic, timely, knowledgeable and extremely supportive; all feedback was personalised and truly centred on me reaching the highest standards of work that I wasn't even aware I was capable of.

After a long period of uncertainty about my future, I finally feel fully prepared for university and all of the standard procedures that come with higher education such as essays, UCAS system, corresponding with tutors and even things I had no idea about like Harvard Referencing!

I am so thankful and lucky to have found DistanceLearningCentre.com who made my path to university so easy and supported. I truly had given up on pursuing education before starting this course and feel I have gained back my confidence in my own intelligence and capabilities. I even received 5 offers from universities for Forensic Psychology and cannot wait to start at my first choice University this year!

Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com, I wouldn't be here without you. (July 2021)

Well prepared in providing me with high quality material to prepare me for the skills required for university - Hayley Dodman

After devoting a good number of years to raising my four children I felt ready for a change of season. It was a perfect time to re-evaluate what I wanted to do for the next thirty odd years of my working life.

I've always had an interest in the sciences, and in biology particularly. After doing much research, I settled on training to becoming a podiatrist. DistanceLearningCentre.com stood out above other providers as the clear choice in me moving towards my goal. It provided the flexibility and tutor support which enabled me to juggle studying between my work and my extremely busy family commitments.

With lockdowns and home-schooling thrown into the mix, DistanceLearningCentre.com were well prepared in providing me with high quality material to prepare me for the skills required for university. I felt the course content fluently carried me through my learning path and offered not only the skills to score highly on assessments but real foundational knowledge that I will build on as I journey on into my degree.

I truly loved every minute of my Diploma. I've secured my place at a top university and feel completely equipped to undertake the next steps towards my dream career. (July 2021)

I will definitely be recommending DistanceLearningCentre.com to everyone - Jasmine Woolley

After failing to achieve the A Level grades required to study Physiotherapy at university, I decided to search for an alternative route. I am so unbelievably thankful that I found DistanceLearningCentre.com. I completed my Access to Physiotherapy (Allied Health Professions) in 8 months and it suited my lifestyle perfectly. It has been a very strange year due to the pandemic, and online learning has been a great solution.

I was working in the NHS throughout the whole pandemic, but was strict about dedicating plenty of time to study. I have achieved more than I ever could have imagined, and I have more than enough distinctions to apply to my desired university to study Physiotherapy. 1 year ago, this seemed like a pipe dream. However, I am beyond excited to begin my journey to my dream job of becoming a Physiotherapist. My tutors were so helpful and friendly, and the materials and assessments guide you as much as possible to achieve the highest grades.

If you are considering an Access to HE course with DistanceLearningCentre.com, please just go for it! It has opened up so many doors and opportunities and I am so excited to see where life takes me. Thank you so much to DistanceLearningCentre.com and to my incredible tutors for your support and hard work. I will definitely be recommending DistanceLearningCentre.com to everyone. Good luck to anyone just starting out - put the time in, use your tutors wisely, do the extra reading and you'll smash it! (July 2021)
