To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.
The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!
Links throughout the materials to assist in independent research - Charlotte Shaw

Before starting my access course (nursing), I had just had my second baby and had just began maternity leave. I was working as an Education Officer, helping people to discover what they wished to pursue as a career, yet I hadn't decided what direction or career I wished to pursue myself. After discovering nursing and undertaking volunteer work, fitting this around being at home with my two children and undertaking my own research, I decided to enrol with
It has been a brilliant experience - challenging but achievable. The tutors are always happy to help, work is marked very quickly and there are links throughout the materials to assist in independent research. I would recommend them to anybody wishing to pursue a career who has limited qualifications/availability; as long as you dedicate the time and have the willingness to learn and commit yourself, they really are a brilliant course provider.
The knowledge and experience I have gained from and the tutors, along with the support given during the application process, resulted in me receiving multiple invites to universities and receipt of deferred conditional offers. A huge thanks again to everybody for the support given. (Jul 2019)
I am so proud of myself for sticking at it and cannot thank my tutors enough - Alice Cunningham

Before and during my access course (nursing and midwifery) I was working full time for a children's hospice and caring for a family member, which made completing the course within a year very difficult.
Even though I took 2 years to complete the course I am so proud of myself for sticking at it and cannot thank my tutors enough. They were very understanding and helped me through each stage (question by question at times) I have learnt some valuable tools such as resource finding as well as a wealth of knowledge to prepare me for my next chapter at university.
I will be studying children's nursing at the University of West England which I am very excited about. The course was not easy but so worth it and I recommend it to anyone who is getting back into education. YOU CAN DO IT TOO :) (Jul 2019)
The Access course was the first step and gave me the courage I needed to pursue my passion - Sinead Dart

I graduated with a GED and SAT in 2014, and unfortunately found out that this did not meet most universities entry requirements. Therefore after high school, I entered the workforce. I have since managed to work my way up, and currently work as an IT engineer. My ambition however was always Biomedical Science, and since I was little I dreamt of becoming a researcher. I decided to give it another shot and become qualified, in order to pursue my dream. I took the decision to enrol into the Access to Biomedical Science course. Distance studies suited me best, as I was able to work and study in my own time, and there was no pressure at all, which made it a lot easier. Now that I have completed my Access to HE diploma I will be looking to enter university in Sweden and study Biomedical Science full time and hopefully one day land my dream career. The Access course was the first step and gave me the courage I needed to pursue my passion. (Jul 2019)
Advice and feedback via email and telephone enabled me to ensure that my work was completed to the best of my ability - Charlotte O'Driscoll

I became chronically ill four years ago whilst in my early twenties, resulting in all of my time since then being spent in numerous hospitals, which altogether robbed me of all aspects of my quality of life, stemming thoughts that there was no hope for a future career wise. However, this horrendous journey turned out to have a life-changing silver lining, as it provided me with inspiration and passion to follow in the footsteps of the medical professionals that had cared for and helped me along the way. My passion for nursing in particular grew, since realising that empathetic care is just as important as test results. All of the warm, kind-hearted and selfless nurses I met along my journey each contributed to my increased enthusiasm and determination to pursue a career in nursing.
However, with this major gap in my academic and working life, grew apprehension, self-doubt and my self-confidence in my capabilities decreased dramatically. I researched the best route to provide the steppingstone to pursue nursing at degree level, were highly recommended and so with a leap of faith, I began the course. I can now say, that hand on heart, it was one of the best decisions of my life. The course provided me with purpose, hope and motivation and enabled me to study alongside working hard to regain remission of my physical health.
The course itself was well structured, interesting and strengthened my skills in organisation, time management and prioritisation, all of which are highly valuable and transferable to degree level. I can't thank my tutors enough for the guidance and support I received from them throughout the duration of the course, the advice and feedback via email and telephone enabled me to ensure that my work was completed to the best of my ability!
After nine months, I have now completed the course and have been advised that I achieved distinctions in every graded piece of work, which I am ecstatic with and has definitely filled me with pride, reassurance and confidence that this is the right path for me! I have received conditional offers for all of my university choices via UCAS to study an Adult Nursing Degree. I will be eternally grateful to for turning the impossible into reality and would 100% recommended! (Jul 2019)
What makes this course stand out is the amount of care and time the tutors take to spend with you - Jenna Ezra

The course has provided me the means to gain the necessary qualifications in order for me to apply to dental school.
For a single mother who works full time, it has been absolutely perfect especially with the monthly payments. What makes this course stand out from the rest is genuinely the amount of care and time the tutors take to spend with you. Course content is rich and instructions are clear, and any problems can be addressed very quickly through the tutors who are very quick to respond.
Thank you so much, Jenna. (Jul 2019)