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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2014 - Sarah Jeffreys

Image of Sarah Jeffreys

When I first decided to join DistanceLearningCentre.com and do the Access to Social Work course I wondered how I would manage to fit in my studies around my family and work commitments. I had no reason to worry! I was appointed my own personal tutor who helped me through every step of the course, giving me valuable feedback and advice along the way.

The DistanceLearningCentre.com support team is very helpful and they were there whenever I needed them. If you are wondering if you can do it or not then you probably can! This course has given me the fantastic chance of getting into my chosen university so I can get study towards the career that I REALLY want.

June 2014 - Paula Purcell

Image of Paula Purcell

I am still in shock that I am going to university in September! I never thought I would get this far after being let down on several occasions to get onto an access course, and I am glad I was or else I would never of discovered DistanceLearningCentre.com!

The course has been amazing, and I have achieved more than I could imagine, my tutors' support has been incredible and the whole experience has been one I will never forget!

Thank you so much, DistanceLearningCentre.com!

June 2014 - June Kotey

Image of June Kotey

The whole distance learning experience can be compared to that of a roller coaster, there are ups and downs, but you are guaranteed to come out feeling victorious. I am incredibly proud to say I completed my course in eight months, whilst working full time, which means if I can do it then anybody can.

Thanks to my incredibly supportive tutor I successfully applied and received offers of places at all five of my chosen universities. Without the support and guidance of my tutor I don't believe I would have done so well, I was given the belief that I can achieve anything I can put my mind to and because of that, I came out victorious. I look forward to university in September and my message to prospective students is that you can do it!

June 2014 - Matthew Butcher

Image of Matthew Butcher

Coming from working in a background of Catering, I knew it wasn't the career for me so I chose to branch out into going to University to train to be an Adult Nurse, not having left school with the correct qualifications. I went back to college in 2012 to re take my Maths and English.

Since leaving school I have never really thought of myself as a very academic person, since I have been studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com it has really given me an insight into what studying will be like at University. The course is very challenging as it requires you to do a lot of self-study and teaching using the materials provided. The tutors are very helpful if you have any problems and are also very quick to respond. I would recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anyone wanting to complete an Access course who have full time jobs or family's and other commitment's but you must be prepared to put in the effort and time as you can get distracted easily and out of sync, but the feeling of accomplishment is great when you finish. I have now secured a place at University Northampton on a BSc in Adult Nursing starting in September which I am really looking forward to.

June 2014 - Jodi Boyd

Image of Jodi Boyd

After leaving my previous employment in the Beauty Industry to take time out for myself and to have my third child, I decided it was a perfect opportunity to better myself and pursue further education so that I could hopefully one day get what we all strive for, job satisfaction! After such a long time out of education I needed to stimulate my brain .... which often becomes redundant after bringing up children and generally plodding on with life. I wanted a challenge and to prove to myself that I could realistically achieve a goal that I once would have never even attempted.

I'd hazard a guess that I'm one of the longest running students of DistanceLearningCentre.com ... it took me 3 1/2 years to complete the Access Diploma ... yes, you read that correctly!! I have to say it hasn't been easy, throughout my studies there have been ups, downs, births, bereavement and all the everyday stresses that we all face, along with a husband working erratic hours and who himself was also at university, it has at times been difficult to get things done. However I managed to push through it with the fantastic, down to earth and friendly attitude from my tutors who have been patient and so encouraging all the way through, nudging me on to see it through.

I have completed my diploma with almost full Distinctions (with the exception of one merit), something I'm mega proud of. All the modules have been challenging and interesting and my brain is definitely in first gear now! I have gained my place at Northumbria University to study Biomedical Science, after changing from my original course choice as my confidence had grown so much, I went for something more challenging and I'm absolutely itching to start in September! Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com and especially the lovely tutors! Bring it on!"
