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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2014 (Fab 5 Award Nominee) - Eleanor Butterfield

Image of Eleanor Butterfield

DistanceLearningCentre.com has opened up opportunities for me that would otherwise not have been possible. Being able to study around my young children and job, has allowed me to complete the access course without sacrificing precious time with my family or incurring extra childcare costs. It wasn't easy however.

I had to study almost every evening well into the small hours and frequently at the weekends to complete it in 8 months. I often wanted to give up and didn't think I would finish on time for the June moderation, but with the guidance and support of my tutors, encouragement from my husband and the incentive of two university offers, I'm proud to say that I completed the course on time, exceeding the conditions of my first choice.

I'm very much looking forward becoming a radiography undergraduate, building a successful career for myself and becoming a good role model for my daughters. I am so very grateful to DistanceLearningCentre.com.

June 2014 (Fab 5 Award Nominee) - Margaret Findlay

Image of Margaret Findlay

I finally decided which career I wanted to pursue after being a Health Care Assistant for many years; the only problem was not having the appropriate qualifications to enter university. That is when I looked online to see what courses were available, DistanceLearningCentre.com shone out as the only distance learning company suitable to complete my Access to Nursing course. I found the flexibility of learning from home invaluable, as I was not able to attend college while working full time shift work. The option to extend my studies if needed was very useful for me as it took me longer than expected due to demands at work.

The support and encouragement from my tutors was excellent throughout the course giving me the perseverance to continue and complete the course. Most of all, DistanceLearningCentre.com has given me the confidence to be able to succeed in my studies and apply to university enabling me to fulfil my ambition of becoming a Children's Nurse.

Working full time within the Children's Community Nursing Team sometimes involved changes to my work schedule at the last minute, which made it very difficult to plan my course work. It meant I had to organise myself and be very focused on meeting my target especially when deadlines for assignments were introduced.

Although the course has meant a lot of hard work and dedication, I believe it has all been worth it to gain my Access to Nursing diploma. I now feel a lot more confident and prepared to gain a place and start university in order to fulfil my aim of becoming a Children's Nurse.

June 2014 - Monifa

Image of Monifa

I decided to study with DistanceLearningCentre.com alongside working part-time after I did not achieve my desired grades at sixth form where I completed a double award A Level in Health and Social Care. Studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com has taught me to be more independent while studying which will prove useful at University. DistanceLearningCentre.com has provided me with two fantastic empowering and hands-on tutors who replied to my emails very quickly when I required their help.

This experience has taught me not to become disheartened and doubt myself when things seem hard as I have proved myself extremely wrong shown in the grades DistanceLearningCentre.com encouraged me to achieve. I have now secured a place at University to study BA Social Work in September 2014, thanks to the help provided by DistanceLearningCentre.com. I would encourage anyone who is thinking of changing career paths to study with DistanceLearningCentre.com and the belief many people have of finding it hard to study at home and not receiving enough help via online tutors, DistanceLearningCentre.com will definitely prove you wrong with the speedy service they provide, responding to emails quickly and offering phone calls to ensure you understand your tasks.

June 2014 - Sarah Chapman

Image of Sarah Chapman

I have always wanted to re-train as a physiotherapist, but after to speaking to university admissions it became clear that my first degree was so old I would need to show evidence of current learning. I couldn't find any courses that would meet their requirements and my ability to attend around work and family life.

That was until I found DistanceLearningCentre.com - I was so impressed with the course content, level and support I received and would strongly encourage anyone considering studying with them to go for it! My tutor was excellent in supporting and encouraging me along the way and was always available to help where needed.

I am now juggling a Physiotherapy degree around family life, which is difficult but doable and only wish I'd found them sooner!

June 2014 - Marc Bentham

Image of Marc Bentham

I applied to DistanceLearningCentre.com back in 2011. At the time due to work/child commitments, it wouldn't have been possible for me to attend college and after researching various options I stumbled across DistanceLearningCentre.com and thought this would be perfect for me. When I initially enrolled I was studying Access to Paramedicine but eventually wanted to change this as there wasn't enough places for student paramedics and there was a great deal of competition for places at my local university.

I started work as a health care assistant at a local hospital and after a few months, my ward manager/sister told me that I should do my nurse training as I would be a great nurse. After speaking to my tutor at DistanceLearningCentre.com, they allowed me to change some of the level 3 modules to Adult Nursing.

It has taken me around three years to complete my access to HE diploma due to my hospital work commitments, voluntary work and office work for the family business as well as my two children. However I completed most of the level 3 modules in around 4 months due to me being offered a place at Teesside University for September 2014, where I will be studying Adult Nursing Bsc Hons.

So if you are willing to work hard and are organized then you can complete this Diploma in around 6 months. DistanceLearningCentre.com are flexible, helpful, supportive and as long as you have the determination to achieve your goals anything is possible.
