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Read what students and alumni have to say

To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

June 2014 (Fab 5 Award Nominee) - Karl Bevan

Image of Karl Bevan

I changed career at the age of 30 to follow a dream of mine to become a physiotherapist. After recovering from serious illness I decided I wanted a new direction in life; I wanted a job where I could help people to become healthier. I started working as a Physiotherapy Assistant with the NHS and I soon decided that I wanted to become a fully qualified physiotherapist.

A friend told me about DistanceLearningCentre.com, where you can study and keep working at the same time. I thought this was great and exactly the right route for me to take.

I found the course challenging and I wasn't confident that I would be able to get the high grades I needed to get into university. However, with the great course structure and help from materials and tutors, I not only met the high grades I needed, I exceeded them.

Thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com, this year I have had two offers from universities to study physiotherapy and I can't wait to get started in September. I would recommend DistanceLearningCentre.com to anyone; it's a great way to study.

June 2014 - Richard Milner

Image of Richard Milner

I applied to my chosen university to do an adult nursing degree, but as I left school and went straight into the army I didn't meet the criteria to get on the course. Having left the army and having a family and full time job, I thought my dream of becoming a nurse would stay that way.

My chosen university put me in contact with DistanceLearningCentre.com. I completed my access course and now meet all the requirements to start my nursing degree, which I have accepted a place to start this September.

I'm not going to say the course is easy as it's not, but you get all the support you need and the outcome and feeling you get once you finish is amazing. I would just like to thank DistanceLearningCentre.com and my tutors for all the help and support.

June 2014 - Georgina Sayers

Image of Georgina Sayers

As a working mum with three children at primary school, it would have been impossible to get to university without studying online. It took determination, and there have been some very late nights, but I've done it! I have accepted an offer from Brighton University to study Primary Education and I am thrilled at the prospect of one day teaching a class of my own.

The course was challenging, but online guidance, the support of my tutors and a list of expectations for each unit made the process clear and methodical. It has been rewarding to push myself and to see what I'm capable of. I've got much more academic confidence having completed the course, which makes me less nervous about undertaking my degree.

DistanceLearningCentre.com has given me the opportunity to get to where I want to be. Thank you to my patient and supportive tutors!

June 2014 (Fab 5 Award Winner) - Lisa Watts

Image of Lisa Watts

I was a single parent who wanted to better myself so that my child would have a better life. I was always on minimum paid work and worried that this would always be it. I decided to phone around universities to see how I would be able to enrol onto a social work course as this has always been my chosen profession (I was told at school my grades weren't good enough to progress into this profession which put a stop to it).

The DistanceLearningCentre.com site was recommended to me by the Birmingham university who informed me that they had a few students attend the university from this qualification. I phoned DistanceLearningCentre.com for information and was enrolled by the end of the day.

The course was a lot harder then I thought it would be and I did struggle when it came to the level three essays. I had to read the materials over again to understand them all but I found it helped a lot when I kept going over them.

With a lot of help from my tutor I was able to get my work up to standard and felt a lot better at that point. Tutors were always available if I needed help and student services where always available if I had any other questions about the courses.

I have recommended this course to so many friends and members of my family as well as the other courses on this site as I was very happy with DistanceLearningCentre.com and their staff and qualifications.

On my interview day to my chosen universities I was told that they were happy with this qualification as it was more suited to their course then a normal access course so I have had no regret with doing this course and thought it was money well spent and hopefully I will be able to complete my university course more easily with all the help I received from this course.

Thank you to all the members of staff who helped me throughout this course and who answered my emails promptly, without their help I would not be at university level. You have all been a great help throughout.

June 2014 (Fab 5 Award Nominee) - Simone Botha

Image of Simone Botha

Working as a maternity care assistant on a busy ward I quickly realised I wanted to become a midwife but because entry requirements are so high and it is so competitive to get a place I had to ensure I could stand out. First step to realising my goal was to ensure I exceeded the university requirements and as a mother of two young children and working full time shifts I had to find a course that could fit in with my busy life.

I researched all my options and even applied to study at a local college but in the end I felt that DistanceLearningCentre.com could offer me all the support and flexibility I needed. I found the course to be really enjoyable, the modules were challenging, informative and I found I have learnt so much and have gained many new skills that will help me to be an exceptional student at university. Personally, I found the deadlines incredibly motivational.

My tutors were absolutely amazing: ensuring they were always available to answer queries, offering words of encouragement when I thought I wouldn't finish and totally committed to their students achieving excellence and I wouldn't have done as well as I had without them. The course materials and assessments were easy to access and marking was always done quickly.

I will now be applying for a place on a Midwifery degree programme to start September 2015 and feel confident I will get a place. This would not have been possible without the ability to do the course at times that suited me and I have DistanceLearningCentre.com to thank for making my future bright and full of opportunity.
