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To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

November 2013 - Cassandra Honeywell

Image of Cassandra Honeywell

After being made redundant from my mundane office job I began to evaluate what I really wanted to do with my life. I realised I wanted an exciting career where each day was different and going to work was satisfying. I decided to become a paediatric nurse, but I didn't have the qualifications required to be accepted into university.

As I have two small children going to college wasn't an option so I studied the Access to Nursing course with DistanceLearningCentre.com. The course took me just under a year and I was given a place at my chosen university. The support and guidance of the wonderful staff at DistanceLearningCentre.com have helped me to realise my dream. I have gained confidence in my ability to read and interpret a range of information in a variety of subjects and write in an academic manner. I would definitely recommend studying with DistanceLearningCentre.com.

November 2013 - Holly Mitchell

Image of Holly Mitchell

From a very young age I always had an interest in the medical world. Dreaming of working in a hospital and helping others I was sure that I knew where my future was heading, but by the time I reached senior school, I soon became unsure of what career path I wanted to choose. Whilst friends were set on the subjects they were going to study in order to reach their goals, something was making me doubt just what direction I was heading. Throughout this stage in my life, my interest in the world of medical science still remained and I would often find myself glued to numerous accident and emergency programmes that came on the television, but as I sat in front of the career advisor at college, I had soon signed myself up to study A 'level subjects that had no connection to my desired career.

Before long, I had quit college and found myself in front of a computer screen, working for a local call centre. After a few years of trying out different roles, I soon realised that all along my interest in working within the medical world still remained. By this time I was now 24 years old and how I began the journey to reach this goal was extremely unclear.

After researching on the internet, I soon came across DistanceLearningCentre.com and to my surprise the journey suddenly became a lot clearer. Before I knew it, I had spoken to an advisor and was signed up to complete an access to health professions course. The cost of the course was reasonable and the option to pay over a certain time period made this daunting, yet exciting decision a lot easier. The course itself was extremely interesting yet hard at times. Quitting full time work was not an option, so continuing to work from 8:30am - 6pm, Monday to Friday, often resulted in myself feeling a little stressed and under pressure but my tutors were there to guide me whenever I needed them. I could ask them questions whenever I was stuck and they often reassured me of what work I had completed so far and how much I had left in order to complete the course.

Its hard to manage your time when you have a lot going on in your personal life and alongside that you have assessments to complete, but as I well know it is more than achievable. Just set yourself a completion goal for each assessment and stick to it and before you know you'll be writing in your own words your journey on this course as I am now. Having finished the course I am now making the decision of when are where I would like to go to university and continue my studies, as I defiantly want to achieve my life long ambition. The feeling of satisfaction when you complete the course makes the late nights and hard work more than worth it and if there's one thing I would say, it would be "go for it!".

November 2013 - Donna Dunn

Image of Donna Dunn

I have worked in a factory for the last 12 years of my life doing a job I did not like. When my 2nd child was born, my husband and I decided we wanted to start a new life in Canada with me re-training for a career in nursing. To be able to emigrate, I had to continue working, whilst studying and looking after 2 small children as my husband and I both worked shifts.

It has been incredibly difficult and taken longer than planned. However, today (22/10/2013), I completed my final exam in an Access to Nursing diploma ? it was a very proud moment for me. We can now begin the process of applying to Canada ? thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com. My tutors have been excellent; motivating and helping me when it was required. I am forever grateful for their help.

November 2013 - Nicola Tee

Image of Nicola Tee

Just before I started my Access To Midwifery with DistanceLearningCentre.com I had just delivered a baby boy prematurely. I had been working for the NHS as a Healthcare assistant but had always wanted to achieve more in life. I wanted to provide a better future for my only child and feel like I could accomplish a beautiful career that will see me through my days and to deliver many, many babies the beautiful gift that is life. To provide myself with the ability to serve the nation and expectant mothers with professional support during their longest 9 months in need....

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to DistanceLearningCentre.com for allowing me the ability of making this dream possible. They have been quickly responsive during my 9-10 months of studying, via Email and Telephone calls and not to mention the use of the Forum at just clicks of a button I could find routes to solving problems that I needed answering.

DistanceLearningCentre.com have provided me with the ability of studying independently which is vital when taking on a degree at University and due to all of the academic skills I have attained during my time with DistanceLearningCentre.com I have now grabbed myself a place at my local university studying a BSc Hons Degree in Midwifery. I can now look to the future and know I am within touching distance of calling myself a Qualified Midwife and it is all thanks to DistanceLearningCentre.com and their overly-supportive and kind tutors.

Gill Clarke

I always try to view my glass as 'half full' ? positive and hopeful, but this has been sorely tested throughout a sustained period of ill-health, bereavement and being forced to walk away from a job I loved for 22 - years in 2012. Having worked throughout my adult life I imagined that I would just take some time out 'for healing and reflection' ? say 6-8 months, and then get back to work.

Unfortunately, my health challenges increased, rendering me more disabled, unable to work, and with no help from welfare benefits to assist me with my mortgage payments. I knew in my heart I could not return to health and social care, but I remained passionate about health and well-being, and being a qualified Counsellor and Holistic Therapist, I still wanted to utilise my knowledge and experience to support and empower others I some way.

I considered change in career, and was drawn towards Dietetics. However, as I've explored University courses, the idea of a career Public Health really appealed to me, as it offers a wider range of career opportunities. I regard one of my strengths as being able to engage well with people, and I used to enjoy facilitating training to staff and customers, so I'd love to work in Health Promotion.

I secured a place at a local FE College to undertake an Access Course. This was short-lived due to my dissatisfaction, and alarm by the manner in which the course was being delivered, and then by my tumbling downstairs at home!! I knew I could not return, but was so determined to study that I was prepared to use my savings to fund myself.

I explored options for distance learning, and after about 10 full days of research, DistanceLearningCentre.com seemed the best choice. I made numerous telephone and email enquiries to them ? including the Director. They were all very helpful, engaging and informative, and it confirmed that I'd made the right choice.

Thus far (since October 2013), it's been an amazing experience. I have a brilliant Tutor who has supported me every step along the way. I have wanted to walk away from it many times due to my health and personal circumstances such as serious family illness and bereavement. However, my tutor always seemed to find a way to facilitate my continued learning. Her appraisals of my assessments are always very detailed and 'on point', which further aids my learning and development.

I left work feeling emotionally traumatised, with no confidence or self-worth, but I feel that I am slowing regaining it through my experience of FE with DistanceLearningCentre.com. I still have many challenges ahead, but I firmly believe that I will be successful in attaining my ACCESS TO HEALTH PROFESSIONS DIPLOMA!! I have so far passed my GCSEE in English and Maths, which will be moderated this month.

These were really important for me, as without them, I cannot apply for University. Also, due to undiagnosed PTSD from aged 9 1/2, I did very poorly at school, but I feel proud that I have now accomplished these!! I would (and have) recommended this approach to learning to adult learners. It's very flexible, even in the payment scheduling, and for me, the best thing is ? as a control freak, I feel in control of my own learning and development!
