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To demonstrate just how proud we all are of your success, we have created the Awards of Achievement, which are awarded annually to our ten most oustanding students.

The winners get back half the cost of their course fees!

This has given me a massive boost in confidence in my personal life and academic life - Jade Quadling

Image of Jade Quadling

When I first started my job as a health care assistant in my local hospital I instantly fell in love with caring for patients, and after working alongside the amazing nurses I decided that I wanted to further my career and become a nurse. I knew I didn’t have the relevant qualifications to start my career in nursing, so after inquiring about exactly what qualifications I needed from my university of choice they strongly suggested the Access to Higher Education Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery at DistanceLearningCentre.com.

I was unsure of what to expect at first with this course, but after the first phone call with my tutor my mind was put at ease and she explained exactly what the course entails, and I knew I would have the support I needed to complete my course. Being out of education for over 10 years I was nervous about writing essays again, especially when it came to referencing but thanks to the support of my tutors and their one-to-one tutorials, it has not only enabled me to complete my course, but I have also taken some valuable skills away which I can now take forward when working towards my nursing degree. I was also worried about how this course would work around working full time, but this was never an issue as the flexibility of the course means you can set the assignment deadlines yourself, so when I had a particularly busy week at work all I had to do was ask my tutor for an extension and it was granted.

My personal aim from this course was to achieve at least a merit grade but after achieving a distinction on my first assignment, thanks to the materials and support and feedback from my tutor, this now become my new goal for the rest of my assignments, which I proudly managed to achieve. This has given me a massive boost in confidence in my personal life and academic life.

Completing this course has given my several options in how to pursue my nursing career by either attending university full time or the route I’m going to be taking which will be completing a trainee nurse associate apprenticeship at my hospital and eventually topping up to become a fully trained nurse which enables me to stay in full time work.

I would highly recommend anyone wanting to pursue a career in nursing or midwifery to undertake this course no matter your age, educational background, or current profession. It’s not an easy course and you will need to put a lot of effort in, but I found there has always been support when I’ve come across something I need extra help with, and the flexibility of deadlines has been great when it came to the assignments, I found harder to complete. It has been a very interesting course and I have managed to apply some of the knowledge I have learnt into my every day working life. (November 2022)

I have mastered independent learning skills that will be of tremendous help when I start university - Thessy Olabode

Image of Thessy Olabode

I signed up for the course because I was desperate to start a new career, the local trust where I work was offering an operating department practitioner degree apprenticeship as a way of career progression for staff. It is the perfect opportunity for me but I needed to complete a Level 3 course and show evidence of recent studies. I left school almost 10 years ago.

I was 12 weeks pregnant when I started the course and initially planned to complete it within 6 months before the baby was born. A few months into the course, in my third trimester, I became very unwell and was admitted to the hospital a few times. I received a lot of help and encouragement from my tutor during these difficult times which I am grateful for. I became weary because I was not getting the grades I wanted, knowing I could do better if I was in perfect health. I put my course on hold and returned after my son was born. I put in all my best and got distinctions in all my remaining units, with the help of my amazing tutors.

Last month, I applied for a place on the apprenticeship program starting in September, I was invited for an interview and I was offered a place; a dream come true. During my interview, I was asked how I intend to manage the intensity of the course as the university course work will be completed online, I proudly responded that my access course was completed online with DistanceLearningCentre.com and during this time, I have mastered independent learning skills that will be of tremendous help when I start university.

Thank you DistanceLearningCentre.com and my wonderful tutors. (June 2023)
